New Social Thread

I was living in a fantasy world for two years until this past March. Everything was going right in my life. I was in a loving, long-term relationship, and built around it a really nice social life. I was making huge strides academically, getting the highest grades and writing some monster theses and papers. Everything pointed in the right direction.

In March it all came crashing down. My girlfriend had a psychological episode that forced her to reexamine her life and determine that I could no longer be a part of it. That aftermath got worse and worse and pretty much torpedoed my entire social circle. And at the same fucking time I get rejection letters from every single graduate school to which I applied. And now I'm turning into an alcoholic to deal with it.

Spring was fucking Hell, and now summer is a total Purgatory. From here on out I have to restrategize my academic aspirations in order to succeed in the real world, move into a new social circle, find any sort of stability because right now it's all chaos and it is a constant distraction, such that I can't focus even on the things designed to lift me up and restore all that confidence.

There, I spelled it out.

Now that's a great life.
IIRC Cronopio is fluent in German, Episteme.

edit: I am thinking about pursuing "professional help" or a support group for a problem I've been having. Anyone have success stories for overcoming addictions/issues this way?
zabu of nΩd;9875232 said:
I've been wanting to see a psychotherapist forever now, but i keep putting it off for a combination of reasons, the main one being immense skepticism over whether i'd get any results out of therapy. I feel like i don't need advice on how to solve my life problems so much as i need motivation/coaching.

Yeah I keep thinking "I can fix this myself" but I'm not really making progress. Lame.