New Social Thread

People I seriously despise right about now: Einherjar86 and Satan's Toenails or whatever that faggot's name is.

Oh my gosh look at you being all flippant and 'forgetting' my name. CORNHOLIO OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS

No I'm 21. When I said I was 12 and a half I was blatantly joking. The fact that so many people didn't pick up on that is kind of funny in itself.

People thought you were 12 because your posts about your family sounded like those of a 12 year old tbh.
No I'm 21. When I said I was 12 and a half I was blatantly joking. The fact that so many people didn't pick up on that is kind of funny in itself.

Funny? I would consider it sad if I said I was 12 and people immediately swallowed it. Doesn‘t that show something?
so Tuesday I was pretty sick. Threw up four times within a span of several hours. Diarrhea. You name it. Yesterday I was relatively okay except my body hurt...mostly my back because I had lain in bed all night sitting up right. Last night took a 500mg tylenol, passed the fuck out, and woke up today feeling like gold