New Social Thread

I'm really, really bad at going to bed at a decent time lately. It's usually okay because it's summer but I have places to be during the day now, and it's 5 am at the moment and I'm not particularly tired....ancient aliens it is then! Even though I love it, I usually fall asleep to it
I'm sick of going out in my suit. It kept happening because I'd go and see my friends straight after going to work. They all live in the city where I worked, which is an hours drive from my home. Instead of wasting the evening travelling, I'd just go out straight away with them. It really sucked though. Women find it pretentious when you're at a house party or club in a fucking work suit. Hoes
sounds like something off of Illud Divinum Insanus lol

but seriously it's pretty solid, but i think there should have been a really fast part in the middle. i got the feeling it was building up towards something that never came.