New Social Thread

false flag attack, perhaps, but i wouldnt "pay no attention". it just killed me how obama got on tv right after and, of course, slapped the terrorism tag over it immediately
false flag attack, perhaps, but i wouldnt "pay no attention". it just killed me how obama got on tv right after and, of course, slapped the terrorism tag over it immediately

We're going to see more and more of this. It's at the point now where students who shoot their classmates will soon be referred to as "terrorists" instead of disgruntled, disturbed individuals with problems.

It's no coincidence that security measures at our schools are beginning to resemble those at airports.
We're going to see more and more of this. It's at the point now where students who shoot their classmates will soon be referred to as "terrorists" instead of disgruntled, disturbed individuals with problems.

It's no coincidence that security measures at our schools are beginning to resemble those at airports.

and the police state comes together..

He was wearing a sweater with some cop regalia on it :(, so when he showed up everyone apparently thought he was an officer of sorts.

Click only if you want to see a really horrific scene...
So many bodies...
The one with the arrow is the shooter, and then to the lower left is someone begging for their life :(

Video: Shp passes by the island and there are a shitload of bodies.
You are a fucking jackass.

Haha, beat me too it.

As much as this shit in Norway sucks it should be off the news already. It isn't news any more, it's just a tragic story. Keeping it around simply serves to glorify this kind of action and hype up all the retards out there that like to get scared over things that in all likelihood will never affect them.

That and I do find it ridiculous how worked up people will get over an event like this simply because it's happening in a country that doesn't usually experience anything along these lines. A quick browsing of any site like LiveLeak will show you that this kinda shit happens world over all the time. No one even gave a fuck about things like the atrocities in the Sri Lankan civil war.

People suck.
Although I partially agree, it shouldn't be off the news....not until all of the facts are straight. They don't even know how many peopled died yet.

Also Amy Winehouse died today....


I don't think anyone would even know who she was if she didn't have news coverage of her arrests every month.

:erk: @ "the facts straight". The official story is always eventually straight, not necessarily the same thing as the facts though.