New Social Thread

i know it's wrong to speak ill of the dead but...

...come on now.



and apparently it was "shocking" and "no one saw it coming"
So tonight I'm finishing off all the rest of the vodka on my dresser. I've done that and now I'm finishing the Madeira that's left on my dresser. I bought it to cook with, but I now realized that this summer I technically qualified as an alcoholic, but with fewer than three weeks to go till I begin teaching at the college level, I'm ready to swear off buying any alcohol aside from weekends at the bar with friends. This has been a wild year for me, but it seems now things are settling back down <3. I'm celebrating it tonight.
I miss drinking with fun people. Been drinking a bit with a coworker at his shitty apartment and it's kinda shitty. So much more fun going out with some close friends and drinking stuff that isn't Bud Light. Stupid drinking laws.
Funny. I woke up this morning expecting to be hungover, which I was, but without the headache, which is the worst part.

I actually puked for the first time since I ever got drunk like eight years ago. It was cathartic. From hereon out Zephyrus will only be a social drinker. That won't be too hard since social drinking is the majority of my consumption, but it's time I be more productive most nights.
Don't join AA. It's like a cult. I sat there and it was double awkward because I'm not a Christian or an alcoholic.
Don't join AA. It's like a cult. I sat there and it was double awkward because I'm not a Christian or an alcoholic.

I had to sit through somthing like that while I was in the psych ward a while back. It was dumb as shit. They should honestly change the name to "Come here if you want to learn about jeezus".