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So, my girlfriend was showing signs of liver distress recently and the doc diagnosed her with painless jaundice. It's an underlying result of something going on in her body. One of the possible causes is pancreatic cancer and I REALLY hope it's not that and that it's just some form of hepatitis (not the STD kind) that can be treated (or pancreatitis). She goes in for the results of some blood work tomorrow so I hope it comes back not cancer

Jaundice: Get more Vitamin D/Sun exposure.
Here are all the days on which I ordered hot wings from Papa John's online since i created my account. Pretty sure each order was about $7.75, so $62 total by now:


I've probably been ordering rich takeout food at this rate for over a year
Are you saying that if I get cancer, I can take a shit load of Vitamin K and cure it? Please back up what you're saying. Anyone can play armchair physician after all.

Cancer isn't a foreign organism. It's not a cold or flu bug you can attack or defend against with immune system boosters. It's your own cells "going rogue", due to damage of some kind.

Cancer (especially of the liver, a filter) suggests either not enough correct nutrition to keep the cells healthy, or too much "poison", or both.
zabu of nΩd;10178167 said:
Here are all the days on which I ordered hot wings from Papa John's online since i created my account. Pretty sure each order was about $7.75, so $62 total by now:


I've probably been ordering rich takeout food at this rate for over a year

How are you not like, two thousand pounds?

I've actually been logging every cent I spend since the New Year. One resolution was to be a more mindful spender. It's working, who wants to write down "crappy lunch sandwich, $7" more than once or twice a month?
How are you not like, two thousand pounds?
It's not that bad really. Also i eat pretty healthy otherwise and get exercise.

I actually just got my blood checked last month and apparently despite my family history of heart disease my cholesterol/triglyceride levels are almost ideal.

I've actually been logging every cent I spend since the New Year. One resolution was to be a more mindful spender. It's working, who wants to write down "crappy lunch sandwich, $7" more than once or twice a month?
Yeah i did that for a couple years and then decided it was too much work for what i was getting out of it, plus wells fargo (and i'm sure other banks) categorizes shit for you on their website.

The main thing it drove home for me was eating out and drinking nice beer costs a lot.
Cancer isn't a foreign organism. It's not a cold or flu bug you can attack or defend against with immune system boosters. It's your own cells "going rogue", due to damage of some kind.

Cancer (especially of the liver, a filter) suggests either not enough correct nutrition to keep the cells healthy, or too much "poison", or both.

I still think you're completely full of shit on this.

Anyway, she had gall stones.
Unlike all other posts that I have seen by him, Overwatch is actually right about cancer being caused primarily by incorrect nutrition, toxins and cell damage.

Changes in diet have been shown to slow tumor growth and sometimes cause cancer to go into remission.
There is a documentary on Netflix called
Forks Over Knives which shows real studies by respected researchers (including a pioneering neart surgeon and nutritionist) for over two decades documenting the way diet effects the body, including a section about cancer with in-depth research with thousands of subjects in multiple different countries.