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Well, one of the Mexican guys didn't want to mug me in the first place, you could see it in his eyes (still kept my eye on him though). The other guy thought he had huge balls though. He threatened to shoot me and I shrugged him off. I laughed at him when he pulled his black and white bandana up to cover his face, I mean seriously what the fuck was the point? He tried reaching in my pockets and was quickly denied after I removed his hand from my being. He threatened to shoot me and I just stared at him (he could have had a knife, but if he had a gun he would have flashed it). Counting I never removed my hands from my jacket, he probably thought I had something on me - which I did, a 4.5/5" blade.

His friend kept telling him that they should leave, especially since I didn't look like I gave a damn about the situation - which at that point I didn't, I was too busy watching his hands. I got shoved down when I looked at his friend again to make sure he wasn't doing anything, and as I hit the ground he tried to cajole his friend to help him drag me back further into the park, but before he even finished his sentence I was up and my fist was gripped around my knife in my pocket. I still kept the knife hidden with the blade retracted in my pocket (I didn't want to pull it because I didn't want to make the situation worse - better three live people than two dead ones, potentially including me). Immediately as I got up I raised my voice when I called him a fucking idiot and pointed out there was another pedestrian staring at everything going on. As I pointed to the other pedestrian I took my knife out (just gripped in my fist, like holding a roll of quarters) and brought it up to the right of his head/side of his face, but I doubt he saw that (his friend could have, given the angle). They turned and took off, and I continued on my way to where I was heading and didn't look back.

Funny thing is I wasn't afraid in the slightest. I wanted to stab into his neck as soon as he put on the tough guy ruse, but I'm far more fearful of what consequences could come if I killed him. Self defense in the courts is probably bullshit, and what with the whole idea of going to prison, police involvement, my future (or lack thereof), neighborhood drama/possible idiots seeking revenge... too much bad shit, add on that California is now a "retreat" state and I'm sure everything would have gone down the tubes. I learned a long time ago when I had my temple torn torn open in a fight with a skinhead that you don't fight to knock someone out or just to subdue, you fight them till their dead or dying, and then you finish the job.

Thankfully that other guy appeared (he was older, and really thin - I hope he is all right); things could have turned out very differently if he didn't magically appear. Later today I'm going to go fill out a police report. Guy was around 6", heavy set (fat), wearing a black sweater/sweatshirt jacket with a grey logo on it. Brown eyes, shaved head (I believe), small nose, etc. Hardly the best description, but it's all I got. At least the shoving technically counts as assault, or at least I think it does... hopefully they catch him though.

I ended up getting a ride from my cousin back home like three hours later and told him all about it, and apparently he's seen the guy before, so maybe that area is near where he lives. I typically have to walk everywhere because my car is out of order (and I still haven't been able to find work this last year), so actually getting a permit for a concealed firearm is somewhat on my mind; but again, I should only have one if I'm willing to pull the trigger, and that's a pretty serious question.
I figure I should mention what I had on me: I had my mp3 player, my wallet with soc. card and $50-ish, my state & school id's, my phone, and a lighter - none of which I have money to replace. When he asked me to give him something or he could take it, I tossed him the lighter because it ended up giving me more pocket room with my knife (same reason why I moved my headphones to a different pocket when I ripped them out of my ear). I'm probably going to get yelled at by my mother, father and sister for how I acted ("you can replace all those material things"), and I won't blame them for that. My brother and cousin however will more than likely want to go hunting the next couple of days, which is the last thing that should happen.

I'm happy I still have my shit though (sans the lighter of course, but I don't smoke and was just carrying it - so no loss there).
Fuck man. Glad you're ok.
Good job carrying a knife. I carry one everyday.
And the self defense argument is a tough one. The courts would rather have you beaten then defend your life.
Get that CCW permit! And train, train, train!
Wish I didnt live in this liberal shithole or I'd carry a gun too.
I'm actually surprised someone would try to mug you, Pes. You're not exactly a little dude

Two vs one was the default mindset for the one guy. I'm not going to say it's a shame that it failed miserably though :lol:

I just finished filing the police report and hopefully something comes of it. Apparently me tossing a lighter at the one guy and telling him that's all he'll get from me upgraded the event from an attempted robbery to a full blown robbery!

Hello son, have you ever thought about joining the Marine Corps? We sure could use a stone cold killer like yourself. Here's my card.

Funny story, I was set to join the marine corp until my brother was murdered. Instead of investigating it like the local pd wanted too, they straight up closed the case and labeled it a suicide. Kind of ruined every single thing about joining for me.

My brother and one grandfather were marines, Another brother and two more grandparents were army, and my biological father was airforce. I come from a military family :lol:

Ok, so that's not really a funny story. But yeah, everything had a sour taste for a few years after that event.
Wow, that's really shitty... Still, it seems like you'd have a shot at a much better life if you were to enlist.
So my brother and I have been trying to set up a Saturday where we go see the Blues.
He's going to be bringing his girlfriend and we were trying to get a buddy to come.
Now our buddy wont go because of money and it's the 3 of us.
So I ask another friend if he wants to go. He says ok, but will be in St. louis with his girlfriend so I need to get her a ticket also.
Cool. My worthless ass surrounded by two couples. Typical. Fuck!