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Red bull is great with cigarettes.
I drink coffee for the taste, it does nothing for my energy.
I drink straight coffee (no fufu sugar/creamer bs). Usually med/dark or dark varieties.

@Vimana: The stimulants in energy drinks are much less of a concern to me than artificial sweeteners. Most of the kick from energy drinks is from copious amounts of sugar/caffiene/vitamin B. Taurine/L-Carnitine/etc. are neither dangerous nor in quantities to probably even have any effect.

It makes no sense to me why they put an artificial sweetener in energy drinks that already have copious amounts of sugar, but it's there.
Coffee, black. Only faggots drink energy drinks.

Not surprisingly, it's something that grows out of the ground naturally and has a plethora of good properties to it. Whereas, energy drinks are terrible for you (shocker).

edit: I've been buying coffee from this sitefor a little while now. Talk about some killer beans for an amazing price, holy cow.
How can you guys stand drinking black coffee? I can't drink coffee without grimacing if there's no sugar.
black coffee is delicious
I work with faggots that pour tons of sugar and creamer in it.
Makes me want to snap, but I hold back and dont say anything.

I actually do that for alot of stuff at work. I had no idea my will save was high enough to not snap.
I think milk ruins the coffee. But I don't drink coffee too often because oftenwise I get tired and have to pee.:(
black coffee is delicious
I work with faggots that pour tons of sugar and creamer in it.
Makes me want to snap, but I hold back and dont say anything.

I actually do that for alot of stuff at work. I had no idea my will save was high enough to not snap.

When I drank coffee I actually couldn't drink it black, I had to add a little bit of milk. The reason is because without a bit of milk, black coffee tastes way too thin and weak, more like a tea. Milk gave it a nice muddy thickness without affecting the taste like a cream would.
I don't drink coffee at all. I love the smell but have never acquired the taste for it.

I don't really do caffeine at all. I rarely need it. The only caffeine I get is from tea, and that isn't very much.
How to drink black coffee:

Don't be a fucking faggot.

So two Mexicans tried to mug me near 10pm yesterday while I was walking to my friends house. Threatened to shoot me and everything.