New Social Thread

So I finally graduated from the French part of my training, and I just moved to a small German town called Nittel which is right on the border to Luxemburg where my next training phase will occur. The town is a huge wine-town with tons of cheap local wine and beer so I've been getting quite drunk with my colleagues for the past couple of days. The internet is absolutely horrendous so we have been playing Mario Kart 64 hours upon hours since one dude brought his N64 here. It's looking like I'll be having yet another good 5 upcoming months :)

Ha, my roommates in undergrad and I used to buy a twelve-pack each and play Mario Kart until all of us had finished. By the time everyone got to their ninth beer or so you could totally tell how poor of a drunk driver you would be.
Ha, my roommates in undergrad and I used to buy a twelve-pack each and play Mario Kart until all of us had finished. By the time everyone got to their ninth beer or so you could totally tell how poor of a drunk driver you would be.

:lol: yeah so far it's been quite cool, but I don't know if we will still be enchanted with Mario Kart after 5 months of non-stop playing.
I'm not programmed to seek truth, but to win; because my brain doesn't really understand probability, therefore, I think everyone's out to get me and I'm hard-wired to have double standards and these facts don't change my mind.

Smoking or vaporizing some real good bud right now and I'm flippin' my lid!

Terence Mckenna

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I don't want to come off as um, judgemental. But this "shaman savior" stuff is based on the Noble Savage Myth discussed earlier. I don't disagree with the general gist of what the guy is saying, but while chewing some special plants and listening to ancient chants might make you forget problems, it won't make them go away.
Whatever DaK! Just keep being some elitist asshole who lord obscures knowledge over us like an approaching thunderstorm made of anus!

haha, you're the best man.
While hallucinogens can be great fun, I never have and never will laud them as some kind of memory/culture-wiping software that allows us to download a new "operating system."

Hallucinogenic experiences induced by drugs are basically like waking dream states; people have visions and experience sensations because the inhibition of consciousness is lowered. This is the same thing that occurs in dreams; the unconscious takes over. However, this shouldn't be equated with a kind escape from culture. Dream-images are sustained, informed, and fueled by our culture. Any vision, whether it be a dream or hallucination, speaks to us on some symbolic level, and this symbolic level has to always be somehow conditioned by the conscious, cultural realm. The pre-conscious (I use this word as distinctly separate from "unconscious," since the unconscious still deals with symbolism) is inherently non-symbolic, non-linguistic. It doesn't deal in sign systems or representational structures.

In short, I hate fucking hippies.
While hallucinogens can be great fun, I never have and never will laud them as some kind of memory/culture-wiping software that allows us to download a new "operating system."

Hallucinogenic experiences induced by drugs are basically like waking dream states; people have visions and experience sensations because the inhibition of consciousness is lowered. This is the same thing that occurs in dreams; the unconscious takes over. However, this shouldn't be equated with a kind escape from culture. Dream-images are sustained, informed, and fueled by our culture. Any vision, whether it be a dream or hallucination, speaks to us on some symbolic level, and this symbolic level has to always be somehow conditioned by the conscious, cultural realm. The pre-conscious (I use this word as distinctly separate from "unconscious," since the unconscious still deals with symbolism) is inherently non-symbolic, non-linguistic. It doesn't deal in sign systems or representational structures.

In short, I hate fucking hippies.
I never bought into that whole "mind expansion" bullshit. Whenever I used drugs of any kind it certainly wasn't to "expand" anything. Turn off your mind as Electric Wizard would say.
Or slipnuts or awesome metal guy. What's with these newfags fagging up the very meaning of fag with fags and fags? Faggy faggers are fagging fagging me offag. Fagaroo. Fagalations. Faghension. Fagshacklebackle fockfag.