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Is he? Intelligence without discipline is useless.

Zeph lacks discipline and perspective. He could theoretically find that in the Marines. There are different types of desperate.

Otherwise I agree with you in general, and I know he won't go that route anyway.

@RMS: Playing with guns does not make boys into men.

BTW nice avatar Jimmy.

I'm not talking about guns, i'm talking about the difference in lifestyle between a support and combat arms environment in the military
I'm not talking about guns, i'm talking about the difference in lifestyle between a support and combat arms environment in the military

I met very few people who were in "combat arms" who met my qualifications of "men", unless the "hur dur" type is what you are referring to.
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, Jeremy.

The fiance and I just got back from an Alaskan cruise with our families. It was lots of fun; good food, shows, wilderness hikes and tours, whale watching, zip-lining... it was a busy week! Back to reality now though, we're driving to Buffalo tonight, then on to Boston tomorrow, where we will hopefully be given keys to a decent apartment and intercept a container that basically holds our entire life inside it.

I'm going to be on edge until August 20. Once that day passes, I'll feel like I can breathe again.
"Are you an overly introverted historician overanalyzing your personal problems, addicted to absorbing useless information, recently suffering from depressions?"
"Join the military!"

- Dakryn and King Dumbard, two fucking shitheads.

I'm sure Zephyrus is really glad to have posted about his problems now, allowing the UM Doctor Circle Jerk to convene and lather him with advicejizz™.
not sure why you guys are talking shit, all of you read this forum all the time adding useless information to useless questions and statements
"Are you an overly introverted historician overanalyzing your personal problems, addicted to absorbing useless information, recently suffering from depressions?"
"Join the military!"

- Dakryn and King Dumbard, two fucking shitheads.


Speaking of those lacking discipline.....
Does nothing but help me when I'm down, but I'm not gonna disagree, I know for a lot of folks it can only make things worse.
Ive known people with no previous symptoms to go batshit crazy after smoking pot. In some people it triggers schizophrenia, paranoia, anxiety, psychosis etc.

I smoked pot for 10 years and while I smoked I used to crap on about how great and natural and safe and awesome it was as well. It's bullshit. All it did was make me content with sitting around doing fuck all. And in this case, recommending it as a fucking antidepressant of all things to someone who is going through major anxiety and mental issues is beyond stupid. It's offensive.
I have no problem with pot, however its backing consists of such a large amount of people applying pseudo science to try and prove their points of it being okay for people. The ways in which it is spoken of in a 'good' way are largely fucking bullshit, and the fact that these people take these agenda driven studies to heart just to back their opinions is what becomes frightening.

Does nothing but help me when I'm down, but I'm not gonna disagree, I know for a lot of folks it can only make things worse.

Same here man. Then again, so does drinking. Point being, there is a big difference from feeling a little down and having fun with a drug to actually being depressed and trying to remedy things with said drug.
"Are you an overly introverted historician overanalyzing your personal problems, addicted to absorbing useless information, recently suffering from depressions?"
"Join the military!"

- Dakryn and King Dumbard, two fucking shitheads.


I never said Zeph should join the military, and if you had actually read what I said you'd know this. But, for the sake of arguing, who are you to say that being in the military wouldn't be beneficial? Some people thrive in those types of situations. And you don't know shit about the military nor have you ever been in so what do you know?

This is such bullshit.

The bullshit part isn't that its unsafe. I've never seen depression aided by weed.

Ive known people with no previous symptoms to go batshit crazy after smoking pot. In some people it triggers schizophrenia, paranoia, anxiety, psychosis etc.

I smoked pot for 10 years and while I smoked I used to crap on about how great and natural and safe and awesome it was as well. It's bullshit. All it did was make me content with sitting around doing fuck all. And in this case, recommending it as a fucking antidepressant of all things to someone who is going through major anxiety and mental issues is beyond stupid. It's offensive.

I have no problem with pot, however its backing consists of such a large amount of people applying pseudo science to try and prove their points of it being okay for people. The ways in which it is spoken of in a 'good' way are largely fucking bullshit, and the fact that these people take these agenda driven studies to heart just to back their opinions is what becomes frightening.

Same here man. Then again, so does drinking. Point being, there is a big difference from feeling a little down and having fun with a drug to actually being depressed and trying to remedy things with said drug.


Ok guys, you know what, you win. I'm going to pretend like you know what you're talking about and concede victory to you both. Never mind the fact that you have no actual research to support your claims, are using anecdotal evidence, and extremely weak arguments such as "pot made me lazy," WHICH ISN'T TRUE IN THE SLIGHTEST YOU LAZY FUCK!

Ahem, sorry. I'll just continue on with my life as if we never had this conversation, and you two can go back to living your lives as masters of being full of shit. Deal? K. Carry on!