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I don't smoke marijuana but as someone who is into living a healthy lifestyle, I can tell you that the plant is essentially a miracle plant with countless health benefits. You don't even need to smoke it to make use of it. It's a little known fact that Cannabis oil can be used to cure various cancers and health conditions.

People are seemingly so against using nature to help with life's problems, but are more than willing to consume processed garbage and dangerous chemicals on a daily basis and take unhealthy pharmaceutical junk when in need of help.

Ever research the ingredients that are being put into your foods? Where they come from, why there are there and what they are doing to your body?

And because alcohol is so socially acceptable, I don't think people realize how much more of an overall negative impact alcohol really has over any other drug out there. And cigarettes are tolerated more than marijuana is. How is that even possible? By smoking cigarettes you are literally killing your health away (and others') because of all of the seriously unhealthy shit they add in.
I'm sure Zephyrus is really glad to have posted about his problems now, allowing the UM Doctor Circle Jerk to convene and lather him with advicejizz™.

What? Come on man, don't be like that. No one is prescribing him any drug or making official diagnoses, we're just throwing out ideas. There's nothing wrong with that.

not sure why you guys are talking shit, all of you read this forum all the time adding useless information to useless questions and statements


Alpha Brain :lol::lol::lol:


It certainly does something. I have some wicked vivid dreams on this shit, and I've noticed that I'm able to focus intensely on a task, but my multi-tasking skills decline slightly.
Made a giant mistake yesterday.
Drank way too much whiskey on the party bus on the way to the Cardinals game.
Arrived at the game drunk as shit. Puked all over the bathroom and had to be wheel chaired out of the place. Slept on the bus the entire day. I've never been so drunk in my life. Haha
Really dude? The Military? You are actually suggesting this?

Zeph is waayyyy too smart to join the Military, c'mon!

The majority of people who join are dumb, desperate(poor) or insane.

First off, fuck you.

I am one of the last people to suppor the idea of joining the military - especially as I look back on my own service in it. However, I am going to go with Onder on this one. Zeph is the last type of person who would do well in the military, especially as a fucking grunt. Then again, he has a degree so he may qualify for OCS. Another of the ten thousand other history degrees in the Army.
First off, fuck you.

I am one of the last people to suppor the idea of joining the military - especially as I look back on my own service in it. However, I am going to go with Onder on this one. Zeph is the last type of person who would do well in the military, especially as a fucking grunt. Then again, he has a degree so he may qualify for OCS. Another of the ten thousand other history degrees in the Army.

Yeah, that certainly wouldn't work. But going to be an officer wouldn't do any good either. Officers lower than field grade have been made completely redundant, or SNCOs have, and officers I have been around in general are absolutely devoid of both book sense and common sense. The officer/enlisted distinction is a hold-over from the Dark Ages or even prior, like many other things in the military.

Again, I generally don't support the idea of anyone joining the military. But some people need the structure and discipline to give them an example to work with and the perspective. There are ways to do that without the military but in the current paradigm the military is the quickest route.
Yeah the grunts always crying for the pogues for everything though. Food, water, transportation; air support every time someone shoots at you, etc. :p
and extremely weak arguments such as "pot made me lazy," WHICH ISN'T TRUE IN THE SLIGHTEST YOU LAZY FUCK!

I think pot can make some people lazy (especially indica, since it makes you drowsy), but I think it's more that lazy people gravitate to smoking pot. It's an easy way to have fun that you can't be bad at like videogames, sports, or art. You just inhale smoke from this plant. That's a huge amount of fun for a small amount of effort.
Just stop. I hate the idea of joining the military and I hate how joining up is looked to as a supreme virtue in this country, but you have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes, it's another retarded US phenomenon. I don't undestand it at all.
Speaking of those lacking discipline.....

Haha what the hell, I'm not a monkey in your circus, you can't tell me I'm lacking discipline you fucking annoying cunt. Who do you think you are, seriously. Amazing. You're so mixed up.
Ok guys, you know what, you win. I'm going to pretend like you know what you're talking about and concede victory to you both. Never mind the fact that you have no actual research to support your claims, are using anecdotal evidence, and extremely weak arguments such as "pot made me lazy," WHICH ISN'T TRUE IN THE SLIGHTEST YOU LAZY FUCK!

Ahem, sorry. I'll just continue on with my life as if we never had this conversation, and you two can go back to living your lives as masters of being full of shit. Deal? K. Carry on!

You possibly have the most annoying style of arguing of anyone in the history of ever.

Do you really think that someone who has obvious mental issues should be smoking pot? Do you really think it would help them? Do you really, actually think that pot works as an antidepressant?

If you weren't so gung-ho pro-pot I'd probably give your opinions more credence. You seem to have deluded yourself that cannabis works as some blanket wonder drug, with no negative effects on anyone ever, because it works for you and you can find some studies that correlate with your opinions. I'm sure we could both post links to studies that conflict each other until the cows come home. The fact of the matter is that pot makes you over analyse everything whilst having a somewhat distorted perception of reality. For someone who is depressed or anxious or having some form of mental episode, this can be disastrous.