New Social Thread

I won't be able to see them in NYC because I'm in Puerto Rico. I'm not one for live music anyway. I'll just keep telling myself that.

I saw my mother drunk for the first time ever today. She drank some coconut sangria a little too quickly. She was very giggly, so I gave her a little sobriety test. The one where you touch your thumb to each of your other fingers in order, counting, then doing it backwards and counting backwards. It took her about four tries, including one where she thought she got it right until I told her she said "one, three, two, four."
^ Damn, what'd you do to deserve that?

If it's one of those "i didnt wear my retainer enough" stories, I definitely gotta stop being lazy with mine.
That was part of it. I had braces when I was in middle school, I think 7th grade and had them until freshman year. I wore my retainer all throughout high school but once I graduated I enlisted and wasn't allowed to wear it, then my wisdom teeth finally grew in all the way and my shit got all out of alignment. I've just been too much of a cheapskate and lazy to go back and get them put but I recently had all of my wisdom teeth removed and all my fillings done and shit so it's as good a time as ever to get it over with.

You definitely need to wear your retainer man, you'll kick yourself later like me for not wearing it.

edit: Fuck you two.
I definitely echo Rick's second point. Having had braces twice, it sucks. It didn't really hamper my lady game though.

I know have a mouth guard because I apparently grind my teeth at night, and I use that as my retainer. It's weird because now I don't feel right if I go to bed not wearing it
I haven't worn my retainer since like freshman year of high school and my teeth haven't changed. I mean, my teeth are stained from excessive soda/beer intake, but they are straight.

Teeth don't really bother me as long as they are clean. I met a girl in England who's teeth were all fucked up and I would have plowed her left, right, and sideways.
I haven't worn my retainer since like freshman year of high school and my teeth haven't changed. I mean, my teeth are stained from excessive soda/beer intake, but they are straight.

Teeth don't really bother me as long as they are clean. I met a girl in England who's teeth were all fucked up and I would have plowed her left, right, and sideways.

but not oral, apparently :err:
Haha what the hell, I'm not a monkey in your circus, you can't tell me I'm lacking discipline you fucking annoying cunt. Who do you think you are, seriously. Amazing. You're so mixed up.

I just did. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you are a paragon of self control, drive, and focus. Everything about the persona you present screams the opposite.

One can be disciplined in many different ways. If we're discussing Onder's dedication to foul humor, alcohol, and cute Czech girls, I'd say he is quite disciplined, driven, and focused. Perhaps he is in other areas as well.
Ein coming through with that omni-perspective for the win.

Onder reminds of the movie Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. Not any specific character, just the movie itself.
So my condition is getting worse, and is now starting to really feel like abysmal depression. I feel like a completely useless brain in an otherwise capable body. It's just blank. I can barely understand anything. I absorb and retain very little information. Being in classes this week really sucked. It was all stuff I used to know so well, and now it feels like I know nothing but superficial facts, and can't make any meaningful connections.

I'm dropping one of my three classes, and may drop another if this continues to deteriorate. Everything is difficult to wrap my head around and do. I get tired so easily. I sleep from 9 till 7 every day, just because I'm so sick of being awake and feeling useless.

I go jogging every day, and that usually helps, but the downward trend is now certain to see.

My world is collapsing around me. I was really hoping to work my way out of it by working hard on my studies, but my brain won't even let me do that.