New Social Thread

I find when I'm in a depressive state focusing on things that are physically obtainable on the short term as goals helps a lot. Jogging is a good start, keep at it and maybe add some lifting to the tab there, something you can visualize growth in.
So my condition is getting worse, and is now starting to really feel like abysmal depression. I feel like a completely useless brain in an otherwise capable body. It's just blank. I can barely understand anything. I absorb and retain very little information. Being in classes this week really sucked. It was all stuff I used to know so well, and now it feels like I know nothing but superficial facts, and can't make any meaningful connections.

I'm dropping one of my three classes, and may drop another if this continues to deteriorate. Everything is difficult to wrap my head around and do. I get tired so easily. I sleep from 9 till 7 every day, just because I'm so sick of being awake and feeling useless.

I go jogging every day, and that usually helps, but the downward trend is now certain to see.

My world is collapsing around me. I was really hoping to work my way out of it by working hard on my studies, but my brain won't even let me do that.

Welcome to Hell.
So my condition is getting worse, and is now starting to really feel like abysmal depression. I feel like a completely useless brain in an otherwise capable body. It's just blank. I can barely understand anything. I absorb and retain very little information. Being in classes this week really sucked. It was all stuff I used to know so well, and now it feels like I know nothing but superficial facts, and can't make any meaningful connections.

I'm dropping one of my three classes, and may drop another if this continues to deteriorate. Everything is difficult to wrap my head around and do. I get tired so easily. I sleep from 9 till 7 every day, just because I'm so sick of being awake and feeling useless.

I go jogging every day, and that usually helps, but the downward trend is now certain to see.

My world is collapsing around me. I was really hoping to work my way out of it by working hard on my studies, but my brain won't even let me do that.

Maybe a more positive outlook on your own condition might help things, I'm reading the new post on your blog and it's just as good as anything else you've written.
That was mostly written last week.

After seeing the neurologist yesterday I've finally determined for certain what's going on. It's an obsession with my own intellect gone into a death spiral. Basically, as soon as I started worrying that I was cognitively declining, the worry fed the stress and distraction and became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Now my entire reality is a reminder of my own self-induced pathology. The solution of course is to do things that take my mind off, well, my MIND, and that's incredibly difficult, but it's the only way. I have a report on Homer to do this weekend, and it's partly done. I need to accomplish something to restore some degree of confidence and fight back to where I used to be.

And I'm back on the antidepressants. They will take a while but I need all the help I can get.
I don't see why Americans are so gay about teeth. I know it's a class indicator but... gay. In England there are actual members of the aristocracy with fucked teeth and upper middle class uncultured slags that get every possible bit of cosmetic surgery done and go on holiday to some coastal part of the U.S. every year to go on shopping spree to buy jewel covered thongs that say HOT N SAUCY or something with perfectly reflective ice white teeth.
Well, if you think having nice teeth is a class indicator it would make sense that you don't understand why people in America want nice teeth. Having nice teeth here isn't an indicator of anything other than you actually taking care of your body.
The extent to which Americans talk about teeth and how terrible British teeth makes me think you must care about it exponentially more than anyone else in the world. I've never even had a conversation with anybody about teeth here other than when someone has been talking about going to the dentist. I love of dental work is done for appearances' sake
first band practice lastnight.
Dude brought an Ibanez head with a Peavey 4x12. Did not sound good.
I was running my Digitech GSP1101-Rocktron Velocity 300 into a Vader 2x12. Sounded really fucking good!

Im playing with 3 other guys. All of them are christians. It's wierd as shit!
"Extreme" Christians follow rules in the Torah like God originally said people who worship him are supposed to do (though they ignore a lot, like wearing clothing of mixed fabrics), and moderate Christians tend to believe that whole "those rules are just for Jews" or "those were just for those times" bullshit.

Regardless, if people actually worshipped the god correctly instead of just making shit up, there would be no books after Deuteronomy, and no Islam or Christianity.

As weird as it sounds, the WBC probably has the most accurate conception of God compared to the original one that the people in the south of Israel began exclusively worshipping around 3000 years ago.
I don't know any Christians that believe in following any part of Torah outside of the "10 Commandments" + anti-homosex.

Christianity is, generally speaking, the religion crafted by Paul. There is a reason the Gideons mostly pass out NTs, and most verses on church signs, and their sermons, come from the NT.

I think you are mistaken, Vimana, in saying there would be no books past Deut. The rest of the OT books are either history, poetry, or prophecy. They don't change anything about the Hebrew religion.

Obviously the books in the NT and the Quran are something else. To suggest WBC is somehow closer to the Hebrew religion compared to any other Christian denomination is pretty laughable.
zabu of nΩd;10400010 said:
Normal right-wing blowhards with no ambition who are obsessed with toilet humor?
None are crazy right wingers. Most are middle of the road, some left.
And I have some very successful friends. Thanks.

but yeah, talking about poop is pretty cool.