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You possibly have the most annoying style of arguing of anyone in the history of ever.

My response wasn't a counter-argument. I'm not wasting my time arguing with you or anyone else who is too lazy to look up information that is readily available for you.

Do you really think that someone who has obvious mental issues should be smoking pot? Do you really think it would help them? Do you really, actually think that pot works as an antidepressant?

Yes, yes, and yes.

If you weren't so gung-ho pro-pot I'd probably give your opinions more credence. You seem to have deluded yourself that cannabis works as some blanket wonder drug, with no negative effects on anyone ever, because it works for you and you can find some studies that correlate with your opinions. I'm sure we could both post links to studies that conflict each other until the cows come home. The fact of the matter is that pot makes you over analyse everything whilst having a somewhat distorted perception of reality. For someone who is depressed or anxious or having some form of mental episode, this can be disastrous.

I have never, EVER said that marijuana doesn't have negative effects on anyone ever. As for the rest of what you said /yawn.

Zeph posted about how smoking dope made his anxiety x 100000 and made him feel stupid and inadequate, so that's not the solution.

Also Onder FYI the military made Overwatch and King Richard both keenly aware that the AMERICA FUCK YEAH jingoist myth is a humongous lie, so I wouldn't be too quick to accuse them of being brainwashed patriots.
Haha what the hell, I'm not a monkey in your circus, you can't tell me I'm lacking discipline you fucking annoying cunt. Who do you think you are, seriously. Amazing. You're so mixed up.

I just did. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you are a paragon of self control, drive, and focus. Everything about the persona you present screams the opposite.

Ok guys, you know what, you win. I'm going to pretend like you know what you're talking about and concede victory to you both. Never mind the fact that you have no actual research to support your claims, are using anecdotal evidence, and extremely weak arguments such as "pot made me lazy," WHICH ISN'T TRUE IN THE SLIGHTEST YOU LAZY FUCK!

Ahem, sorry. I'll just continue on with my life as if we never had this conversation, and you two can go back to living your lives as masters of being full of shit. Deal? K. Carry on!

Really man? This is a tad drastic/dramatic, don't you think?
The fact of the matter is that pot makes you over analyse everything whilst having a somewhat distorted perception of reality. For someone who is depressed or anxious or having some form of mental episode, this can be disastrous.

You know there are different types with different active ingredients and different effects, right?
I smoke pot ocassionally. Sometimes I enjoy it or I do not. I smoked a j sometime last weak and expirienced just about every feeling and emotion possible after about an hour of a good high. It really sucked. I was thrilled when I came down.
It can make me pretty emotional too, which is why it's nice to be around other people who are high. It can get awkward otherwise.
I like smoking pot occasionally, but I can't stand doing it on a regular basis. It definitely puts a damper on intellectual perception. I used to think that it gave me insight into various topics, but the "insight" that it gave me wasn't useful in the least.
So it's becoming evident that depression and anxiety have been the effect, not the cause, of my concentration and memory issues. I still think that there's a trend of decline in my attention span in direct proportion to my pot usage over the past 6 months (perhaps the stuff really did have that effect on me, too bad), and my new theory is that it's some form of severe ADD. I've stopped the antidepressants and will be seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow to restrategize. There is medicine for ADD, and perhaps that will help, since I don't have problems with motivation, only frustration in my utter inability to focus and think deeply and complexly in the past few weeks. It's not something I'll just snap out of, and I need to retrain my brain to synch back with reality.

Then again, this could all be wishful thinking to fool myself into thinking there's a clear solution to this issue. I just want my mind back and to be able to learn things the way I used to.
Dead Can Dance! Super jealous. Have fun.

I'm kinda in denial but regular herb usage has made me SO STUPID and forgetting all sorts of things I'd normally know.
^ these are things I see and hear all the time regarding use. Avid supporters always seem to dust it to the side however. Studies fly both ways, and most of them are done with a certain agenda in mind, and in much to small of a scale for me to take them seriously over what I have witnessed.

That said, I do believe it should be legal...I just feel a lot of its supporters lose credibility with some of the claims they tote around.
I'm kinda in denial but regular herb usage has made me SO STUPID and forgetting all sorts of things I'd normally know.

I seem to do well enough at remembering what i want to remember since quitting work. There's a fair overlap between sober and high as far as what i like to study in my free time now, whereas when i was working i wanted to forget the whole experience by the time i got home, and weed probably made it much easier to forget.