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I had my highest hopes on Wellbutrin because my father takes it and it's done great things for him, but I've always been suspicious of the cognitive side-effects of any antidepressant. I've determined that these medications don't improve depression, but simply make you more content with yourself as you degenerate into the walking dead.

Day two of no meds, and it's pretty clear I'm having some withdrawals, but I'm not debilitated. I should be all set taking my Greek final tomorrow.
I've been taking it for a while and it doesn't do shit for me. My doctor is kind of full of shit. Yes, he has medical knowledge I don't have, but he, like the psychiatric care system, fails to take into account that environmental factors can make people depressed, and no amount of pills is a substitute for facing one's problems. I'm fairly certain he's milking shit for money. Last year he said "we're going to have you off by the spring," and then he said the same shit this year. I called him out for it, and the dose got cut in half.
Yeah. A week ago I wrote my doc a long, detailed email as to why I would like to discontinue it and how's it's been affecting me. She replied with one short sentence saying she'll renew my prescription for 150mg, which is my normal dose, though she wanted to increase it.

Clearly she doesn't give a shit, so that's the kind of respect I'll give in turn. I'm supposed to see her when I return from break. Won't she be surprised.
The psychiatric care system is a joke for the most part. I find it pretty sick how with the money that can be made off of throwing pills at people, systems will be put in place to keep people depressed. Many people I was in the psych hospital with weren't there for the first time, and it was easy to see why when it was all about pills and group therapy would spend about ten minutes per person per day. Better than nothing, but still. It was clear they gave shit the bare minimum, because if people weren't mentally ill, they'd have less business. I quit that and they gave me this condescending "we can only help you if you want to help yourself" thing, as if spending six hours a day listening to junkies talking about relapsing and only getting ten minutes to talk about problems that built up over years was some kind of godsend.
During my last appointment a month ago they had to bring another psychologist in because I was being too skeptical for comfort and they lectured me on how there is an "internet conspiracy" against the pharmaceutical industry and professional psychiatry and that it's a no-brainer that I should trust PhD's who write publish papers rather than the cybernetic hoi polloi. I only listened because I had no reason not to try the Wellbutrin and give them one more chance.

But I've stopped listening to either party in this invisible war. I'm stopping this for philosophical reasons. I will not let a foreign chemical replace my personality. The concept of the self is an idea, but ideas are a material phenomenon and I might as well let it be me.
During my last appointment a month ago they had to bring another psychologist in because I was being too skeptical for comfort and they lectured me on how there is an "internet conspiracy" against the pharmaceutical industry and professional psychiatry and that it's a no-brainer that I should trust PhD's who write publish papers rather than the cybernetic hoi polloi. I only listened because I had no reason not to try the Wellbutrin and give them one more chance.

But I've stopped listening to either party in this invisible war. I'm stopping this for philosophical reasons. I will not let a foreign chemical replace my personality. The concept of the self is an idea, but ideas are a material phenomenon and I might as well let it be me.

So in other words, they are suffering from paranoiac delusions and offering appeals to authority in defense? Irony.
If by "internet conspiracy" they mean anyone who takes the time to think about how talking with someone for an hour every once in a while and prescribing a pill and its (lack of) effect on one's developed problems, there is one.

It annoys me to be interested in psychology sometimes, because so many of the resources are full of shit. I keep reading studies that generalize a human behavior, offer no evolutionary explanation, use a small amount of people, put an agenda on the study, and then act like it's science. Like this one. TL;DR: Three people fit a biased study with an agenda to prove sexist humor is a way of releasing internal sexism. It ignores the fact that humor is based on incongruity and people joke about it because they think it's funny how ridiculous it is.

In my psychology class, we watched a video for how Freud's view of why babies are attached to their mothers is wrong. He said that it's because of food and nurturing and stuff, and a monkey in a study preferred to be on a fuzzy fake mother that had no milk whenever it didn't want milk. I just wanted to shout "the monkey feels safe on the fuzzy fake mother because it feels like a real mother that would protect and nurture it. They're basically proving Freud right with a different point and then saying he's wrong."
It's one of the reason's I want to go into the field. Psychology needs a holistic approach. It's no coincidence that mental health problems are skyrocketing along with health problems, economic problems, failing institutions, and rapid cultural/technological changes on an unprecedented level.
We are social predators that evolved in grasslands and we now live in giant groups, so it makes sense.

I think most societal problems are within child development, though. Problems like obeying without question, I think, are initially developed in a child's relationship with their parents. It's kind of fucked up how society is in that respect. Children grow up thinking adults know all the answers because they're adults, then when they become an adult, they realize that adults are making it up as they go along.
I hope you tell your kids this. I think it's fucked up how parents would rather be more of a dictator than an assistant in helping someone grow up. There's a reason making friends is so important in development. It frees people from the ruler-citizen dichotomy children make with their parents. Parents act like it's a loss of power and influence on their kids, when trying to be a dictator is where they lose it. It's not like friends can't help each other get back into shape if things are bad or impose restrictions for beneficial reasons. I don't see why it's so messed up for a parent to be their child's friend, other than "that's not what a parent is supposed to be."
I hope you tell your kids this. I think it's fucked up how parents would rather be more of a dictator than an assistant in helping someone grow up. There's a reason making friends is so important in development. It frees people from the ruler-citizen dichotomy children make with their parents. Parents act like it's a loss of power and influence on their kids, when trying to be a dictator is where they lose it. It's not like friends can't help each other get back into shape if things are bad or impose restrictions for beneficial reasons. I don't see why it's so messed up for a parent to be their child's friend, other than "that's not what a parent is supposed to be."

I intend to when they reach school age. The problem with the "Friend approach" is when you attempt to be an "equal", which leads to problems when you have to renege and take the power position if the child creates problems. As long as the child is living under the roof/eating the food/etc you pay for, there is still a certain line he or she has to toe. This in itself is a valuable lesson for later on in the work force, whether they are self employed or not. Those who pay the bills make the rules. A big disservice some parents do their children is hiding all the normal financial ins and outs of life from them. Separately,l I've already spent thousands on my kids and they don't even know it, plus the various other personal options and opportunities forgone for their benefit. At this point I would like to give my much younger self a kick in the head for not understanding this stuff due to my response to my own parents. On the flip side, my own parents were probably stereotypically poor at explaining the situation.
I still think power can be used in the friend approach. A more experienced friend can still make rules for a less experienced friend in a situation.
The psychiatric care system is a joke for the most part. I find it pretty sick how with the money that can be made off of throwing pills at people, systems will be put in place to keep people depressed. Many people I was in the psych hospital with weren't there for the first time, and it was easy to see why when it was all about pills and group therapy would spend about ten minutes per person per day. Better than nothing, but still. It was clear they gave shit the bare minimum, because if people weren't mentally ill, they'd have less business. I quit that and they gave me this condescending "we can only help you if you want to help yourself" thing, as if spending six hours a day listening to junkies talking about relapsing and only getting ten minutes to talk about problems that built up over years was some kind of godsend.

does one-on-one therapy work better than the group therapy?
All term papers handed in except for one, which isn't due until Friday, and I only have to write the conclusion. Already got an 'A' back on my Chaucer paper, so I'm taking an hour to celebrate. Heated up some mead and playing Skyrim; I haven't turned this game on since early September.
We are social predators that evolved in grasslands and we now live in giant groups, so it makes sense.

I think most societal problems are within child development, though.

Which is what Freud illuminated for us, honestly. This is why the complete denunciation of Freud in modern psych classes is way off-base. He wasn't right about everything, but without his work we would still have a horrifyingly Victorian, "normative" view of culture.