New Social Thread

It's what I did the past two summers back in Maine. It's a federal TRIO program that is essentially a "head-start for college" thing, and though it's science based, they hired me to be the writing instructor and to teach them a bit of Greek on the side.

The local kids were mostly innocuous but the kids they brought up from the Portland ghetto were almost without exception a total pain in the ass and a waste of mine and their own time.
Fucking up my sixth year exams is easily the best thing that has ever happened to me. Instead of going to uni, which I now know I would have absolutely hated, I managed to get a great job within a few months, and then an even better job after only a month of working there. My new job starts in January but I still get to keep my current job up until then.
this thread is called the "new social thread" and i'm sort of vaguely wondering what the fucking hell happend to the old "social thread"
What's living in Beirut like? How the the Muslims?

I don't advise anyone to live in Lebanon. It is a very corrupted country. Do you believe that we get only 12 hours of electricty?
I don't live in the part of Beirut where there are Muslims. But i've encountered many of them and they are really friendly people.
So I went to be last night, put on Filosofem, and felt the most suicidal I've ever felt. It was horrible. Glad I've got 40 days of vacation ahead of me because I'm finally ready to go clean off psych meds. Wellbutrin was fine for a short while. It certainly gave kept me in good spirits, but I think it was ultimately corrosive of my cognition and depriving me of the ability to think clearly is tantamount to death for me. It's been becoming more and more difficult to read and keep my mental processing speed at a competent level.

Today's my first day off of it and it went just fine. I'm now nearly finished with my term paper. I'm rather anxious, but I'll give myself time and patience to let this all clear from myself and start in earnest my brain's ability to adapt on its own rather than depend on foreign chemicals. I think the Omega 3, Magnesium and Choline supplements will do just fine for now.
And the other motive is that Wellbutrin and alcohol don't mix, and I want to be able to drink again. Alcohol is a social necessity.
I'm finally ready to go clean off psych meds....

....I think the Omega 3, Magnesium and Choline supplements will do just fine for now.

i really think you should definately increase the amounts of Omega 3, Magnesium and Choline that you are taking to compensate for your new lack of psych meds

seriously asking
can you overdose on Omega 3 or Magnesium or Choline??
Don't think so. I used to take only one each of those per day (plus a Centrum multivitamin) but I'm upping the Omega to 3 and Choline to 2.

I've still got a whole bottle of Piracetam, but I'll hold off on that till my anxiety's leveled out more.