So I went to be last night, put on Filosofem, and felt the most suicidal I've ever felt. It was horrible. Glad I've got 40 days of vacation ahead of me because I'm finally ready to go clean off psych meds. Wellbutrin was fine for a short while. It certainly gave kept me in good spirits, but I think it was ultimately corrosive of my cognition and depriving me of the ability to think clearly is tantamount to death for me. It's been becoming more and more difficult to read and keep my mental processing speed at a competent level.
Today's my first day off of it and it went just fine. I'm now nearly finished with my term paper. I'm rather anxious, but I'll give myself time and patience to let this all clear from myself and start in earnest my brain's ability to adapt on its own rather than depend on foreign chemicals. I think the Omega 3, Magnesium and Choline supplements will do just fine for now.