New Social Thread

I think it's different when Dakryn says it as opposed to King Drunkard. BUT I still maintain that most men who refer to them as females also like buttsex with men.

Yeah I saw a few hot American chicks at the base and obviously bases in Japan are hardly representative of the US military population of the whole world, but when you have a bitchy white chick with Michael Phelps shoulders + back fat versus a giggly polite Japanese one who weighs 95 pounds and thinks everything you do is amazing, the choice isn't that hard.
I don't get why WalMart can never have a set of normal people in it. Everytime I go, I run into something strange but this guy just topped them. He was not as much as strange as he was stupid.

Stranger: Hey, is that shirt you are wearig some death metal band shirt?
Me: Sure, whatever.
Stranger: Yeah, girl I could tell. I heard metal women are, well more freaky. If you know what I mean.
Me: I rather not speak to you, thanks.
Stranger: You are playing hard to get. Don't make me call my boys over here.
Me: Don't make me call the police.

Then I gave him a dirty look, paid for my stuff, and left. He actually follwed me for two blocks. I never met a guy to ever act like that.
Yeah, it was and I didn't like it, very much. If a guy wants to approach me, please do it normally and not like you want to rape me. It was an Obituary shirt. I don't see a lot of people where I am from either, but what I do see is enough.
If I see someone in a with a band shirt I like I'll usually say nice shirt or something, and then walk off, but no creepiness :erk:

I remember when a librarian asked if I was wearing an Atheist shirt, and then he talked about when he had seen them and a bunch of other bands in the early 90s. Cool stuff, not creepy.
See, that is reasonable and polite. I would do the same or not, but creepy is never the way to go.
That is actually pretty neat. I wish I had more people around where I lived or even the areas I go to would be like that. Everyone is either gangster or EMO/Scene, whatever you call it. You do get the occasional metal head(s).
I was in the dining hall today wearing the Machetazo shirt I got at last year's MDF and some dude came up to me and was like "Ohhhh shit never seen anyone wearing a Machetazo shirt, especially not at UML!" and he chatted with me about MDF for a few minutes.
Dining hall. I remember when there was a dining hall. Now I've been demoted to high school cafeteria.

Usually if I compliment a person on their band shirt, they don't get it and think I'm being a sarcastic bitch.
I graduate in 15 days. How about that? Mine is only high school though. I am only having 1 final exam though. Well, I had two, but I did the one today. I had to build a model airplane. It was a test to see if we can follow diretions. And the other two, they won't have finals. Good luck and congratulations.
Thanks, I'm graduating from college so I have more freedom. And a lot of my studying and what I do falls onto me.