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Found a huge database of free sheet music. An actual good one.

For anyone who's interested. Mostly classical, thousands of selections, completely saved my ass for the upcoming concerts.

@Krampus: In general I agree. The average for attractive Marine females/groupies is about 1 in 15 (guesstimate). But I married a female Marine so I can't talk to much shit about them. Although I still bash military females in general even to her.

:lol: Female Marines...oh god.

I remember when I first got to the fleet my squad leader told me to stay clear of the female Marines because they're bitchy sluts. When I heard the word "sluts" it was like a dinner bell ringing in my head. I thought for sure I was going to get some within a few days. But then I realized most of them liked to pull rank even while off duty which totally blew my mind. Here I am getting shitfaced drunk at 19 with a couple 20 something female Marines who are playing hard to get and then they tell me they're going to report me for this and that. The worst part is, I'm sure they could have had my balls nailed to the wall and they would have gotten off free and clear, which is why I didn't pursue it. Either way, I realized very quickly that my squad leader was right and that was the last time I ever associated myself with a female Marine.

I'm sure your wife is quite lovely though. No joke.

I think it's different when Dakryn says it as opposed to King Drunkard. BUT I still maintain that most men who refer to them as females also like buttsex with men.

What did I say? I'm lost.
You like the drink eh?

Based on relationship advice etc you have given, it's clear that you are more Tucker Max than Andrea Dworkin.
I'd post it, but I don't have it saved. Someone help me out.

so I'm back on solid ground from my cruise. overall it was okay. It was a Carnival cruise to Progreso, Mexico and Cozumel. Progreso was neat. Took a tour of Dzibilchaltun Mayan Ruins. That was really interesting and you actually got to climb around on the ruins and shit (unlike Chichen Itza). Cozumel was shit tourist crap.

Life on the boat largely consisted of eating (a lot), drinking (a lot), typing papers and shit, and not being thrilled with life on the boat otherwise. I had to share a room with my grandfather, who is 83 and going downhill mentally. We were in the elevator with a bunch of people and he's looking at the floor going, "Is that dopp kit mine or Robbie's[my dad]?" He said this a couple of times until I finally told him there was nothing there and we shuffled off the elevator.

I also saw him naked more times than I wanted to. What's with old guys and being naked? At a certain point do they just stop giving a shit? I was in the shower with the bathroom door closed and everything and he opens the bathroom door twice asking where his pants were.

He also got food poisoning the first day of the trip which made for fun times.