k so we want album work done,just a cover fpr a cd and of course a logo on it we are releasing an E.P that is we are pying about $2000 for and we want it to be superb.. we want it to be really super cool and epic. detailed and precise our budget.. we will discuss it. we want an angelic demon hybrid, holding a very hot and innocent, dead, sort of cut up but not mutilated young woman in the air as if the demon had just conquered her. in the back round we want to have a massacred old feudal village with a church on top of a hill long abandoned and some mutilated people scattered around the village.and a dark purple sky with clouds. the ground should be swampy and have boney hands of corpses popping out as if trying to reach the mistress.our logo should be readable, the most insanely cool and epic think that you can think of and dimensional with perspective.. you can play with it until it looks good to you. totaly metal. make it fucking rad as hell, seriously we are paying alot for this thing to get cut so please fucking rip up the screen with this.. give us some ideas about cost. we are going to pay practicaly as soon as we here from you..