New Social Thread



Anyone else see this?
I don't see it either, but that is a good picture of him. He is good in all pictures. Are you trying to say he would look like that if had short hair? I bet I am totally off with that.

That's fucked up. :lol:
How? He is like the perfect man. He is talented, rich, and very handsome. It all seems good to me.
Some girls just wanna be with their Daddy.

It's natural. A girl gets older and trasfers from being attracted psychically to her father to being attracted physically to gay emo 18yo bitch cunts who went with her to kindergarden years ago. She naturally wants something between in the time between.

Stefanie wants Tom Araya which I can't explain by the theory above, but she also still visits this forum which I can't explain either. She's like a Randy Moss w/out testosterone. Her neighbours make fun of her by keeping shit that wind blew to them accidentally.


On another topic, anyone know a good safe way to clean off records? I probably could just google it, but I want to see what you guys think.
Some girls just wanna be with their Daddy.
Not me. I just find older men attrative. Tom Araya is probably the oldest guy I find attractive. I usually go for guys that are in their early twenties. So, it is not like I am go for old, creepy men that are old enough to be my dad/grandpa.

It's natural. A girl gets older and trasfers from being attracted psychically to her father to being attracted physically to gay emo 18yo bitch cunts who went with her to kindergarden years ago. She naturally wants something between in the time between.

Stefanie wants Tom Araya which I can't explain by the theory above, but she also still visits this forum which I can't explain either. She's like a Randy Moss w/out testosterone. Her neighbours make fun of her by keeping shit that wind blew to them accidentally.

If me coming on here is such a problem then why haven't I been banned yet? It is no problem for me to stop coming on here if everyone hates it that much.
Reported offenses/trolling are ban-worthy. You've done nothing of the kind. You're just, hmmm, young.
But this board is generally known for driving away females. Don't become a statistic.
Poop, harharharhurhurhurhuhur

Hey Pessimism the mountain men are all of Scottish/English descent. But Dutch and British people are well known for being ugly and having big noses so THANK THE LORD I am adopted.
Jews don't make big noses look good. I mean, they do it better than other races, but it's still unfortunate. I am glad I don't suffer from severe Jew-nose.

Big nose + weak chin is truly unfortunate.
You do look Jewish WAIF especially with the facial hair which is good, keep it.

The top "looks" I am attracted to are

1.) Germanic
2.) Jewish
3.) Arab
4.) Latino

so you're not convincing me! I only like men with big noses. My dream man is Dave Macklovitch from Chromeo. Check out that big schnozz!

I am partially Jewish. I think I got lucky and didn't get the worst of it. Eastern European Jewish genes are really shitty genes. Case in point; my Russian-Jewish grandfather, at 94 I think, is on dialysis and barely holding together (although he's fine mentally, thank god). His Norwegian-blooded wife, my grandmother, at nearly the same age, is fine, takes long walks and hears very well, although her circulation is clearly shot because she often goes outside in a heavy coat and hat when it's 80+ outside.

What I'm saying is that I'm a combination of the top two on your list there.
Just saying.