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@Zeph: I more or less concur with Astrum. I don't think you suddenly got chemically imbalanced making these major life changes, but all these meds most certainly can create imbalances, and dependency, all the while making it worse.

It's going to take some sort of deep digging, and to stop panicking over what is not and start accepting what is. Stress induced physical and mental problems are real, and stress is created when reality doesn't square with expectations. Adjust your expectations.
While pharmaceuticals are certainly over-prescribed, it's no lie that they can assist people in coping with daily activities.

However, pharmaceutics is a massive industry, and the drugs that find their way to you inevitably do because the pharmaceutical companies have deals with certain insurance providers to hype their products. You're not being given choices based on drugs aimed at symptoms; you're being given choices based on which pharmaceutical companies have invested the most money in promoting their products.
While pharmaceuticals are certainly over-prescribed, it's no lie that they can assist people in coping with daily activities.

However, pharmaceutics is a massive industry, and the drugs that find their way to you inevitably do because the pharmaceutical companies have deals with certain insurance providers to hype their products. You're not being given choices based on drugs aimed at symptoms; you're being given choices based on which pharmaceutical companies have invested the most money in promoting their products.

Dot. Maryland state insurance, for example, requires that patients who are prescribed Adderal, Concerta, etc. receive the brand instead of generic.
While pharmaceuticals are certainly over-prescribed, it's no lie that they can assist people in coping with daily activities.

However, pharmaceutics is a massive industry, and the drugs that find their way to you inevitably do because the pharmaceutical companies have deals with certain insurance providers to hype their products. You're not being given choices based on drugs aimed at symptoms; you're being given choices based on which pharmaceutical companies have invested the most money in promoting their products.

I've been working with my psychiatrist far too long to think she's feeding me whatever the state or system or whatever shadow conspiracy is paying her to poison me with. It's taken this long to figure out what's been going on, and it's major depression that has been largely untreated since the stimulants were just masking the symptoms. The result has been a down-regulation and imbalance of neural chemicals that is very treatable. I've simply lacked the patience to realize how long it will take to mend.

I don't want to hear anything about false expectations. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I showed up at this institution and the reality was that I had fallen into a self-destructive lifestyle during the interim year between undergrad and grad school, and it left me mentally unprepared to take it on. But I did take it on. I'm only taking two classes this semester (though they are grad classes) and so far I'm getting straight A's on my exams and assignments, but I'm going through hell every single day to make that so, knowing that once upon a time I was a master of the material I'm now finding myself either relearning or no longer getting a handle on.

I'm done with the stimulants, but I'm starting Wellbutrin tomorrow. I'm very likely genetically compatible with it, since it's worked miracles for my father. It treats anxiety, depression and tackles attention issues, too. I need to give it a few weeks to really feel the effects, and at this point it's all I have left.

And before you give me any shit, of course I'm skeptical of my doctors, as I am and should be about every perspective I get on these matters. But given everything I've gone through these past three months, this is the right plan of attack. They even brought in another psychiatrist in the room today in order to lecture me because I was being so skeptical. She told me that if this drug has any severe negative impact, that she'd write me up in a paper that would likely cause the drug to be taken off the market.
I've been working with my psychiatrist far too long to think she's feeding me whatever the state or system or whatever shadow conspiracy is paying her to poison me with.

I didn't mean to imply she was conspiring against you. I said "whatever drugs inevitably find their way to you"; it's not your psychiatrist's fault, but she can only prescribe so many drugs covered by your insurance. Of course she's trying to do what's best for you; but the drug market itself restricts your options.

I have a friend studying pharmacology; I've talked with him about over-prescription before, and he said that, while it happens, the drugs that pharmaceutical companies create do often have beneficial effects for patients. In some cases, chemical imbalances occur, and these drugs can offset that.
It's going to take some sort of deep digging, and to stop panicking over what is not and start accepting what is. Stress induced physical and mental problems are real, and stress is created when reality doesn't square with expectations. Adjust your expectations.

@ Zephyrus
"lowered expectations means fewer disapointments"
[sorry i can't remember who i'm quoting here]
just stop expecting your life to be good and you'll stop being surprized when your life turns out to be crap every day
it will help with the stress
The expectations I've set have made me accomplish extraordinary things academically. My problem is that they don't refuel my self-esteem and optimism to the degree that they ought. I refuse to set the bar lower.

Also, it's been a week so far on the Wellbutrin and so far things have significantly improved. It seems I'm on the mend at last. My memory has been improving, thinking clearer, and motivation greater. It works more subtly than stimulants, and without the anxiety. A shame I didn't try this stuff at the outset.
I hate looking for rooms to rent. No hotels do monthly rates anymore. stupid.

iirc, you're living north of the mason-dixon-line and east of the Mississippi river

if you come down to "the bible belt" you'll still find tons of hotels that do monthly rates