---> new to the forum? introduce yourself here <---


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
to the new guys: your first post on this board, should you decide to introduce yourself, will hopefully look a lot like the following example.

hi. i'm new. my name is kolbozzo and i hail from a snowy plain in transylvania where i was raised by seals since my parents left me for dead after that horrible accident with the pink tutu and the hacksaw. i'm three years old, but i'm told i'm precocious and i'm pretty sure it means i won't be able to satisfy any woman in bed. hence the source of my interest for all things dark and gloomy, including italian politics and german cars. most of all, though, i'm an avid music listener, and my favorite bands include the likes of cradle of filth, children of bodom, opeth, in flames, soilwork, and pretty much everything else it will be really easy for you to make fun of until i run away in tears and mailbomb the moderators' e-mail addresses with allegations of harrassment and poor writing skills. i play the tuba, mostly at night and in crowded areas, and i'm here to meet fellow tubers, although i'm not sure that's what i mean. i also intend to flirt shamelessly with each and every user who might loosely resemble a girl or a pony, until one of them will contact me via AIM, at which point i will claim that we're engaged and that i am thor the god of thunder. i can speak mandarin, a couple of pineapples, and that thing where you use numbers instead of letters and acronyms instead of words even if words are shorter than the corresponding acronyms, which i will from now on shorten in TTWYUNIOLAAIOWEIWASTTCA.

now, go forth and multiply once more.
I just realized I never introduced myself properly...

Some time in Mars, 2006: "Hi, I'm new to the DT forum, even though I've been stalking it since the gay fever in Jan. Now I've decided to join you for spamming.. err I mean, discussions. I love Dark Tranquillity, and other awesome melodic death metal bands such as At The Gates and The Crown. I love death metal in general too, I love it so much that I have it for breakfast.
I'm also a space-time warper, as you surely have noticed, since this post happened somewhere 3 months ago from the time you're reading this. I can warp space too, but that's a bit dangerous when used on an individual scale. I can accidentally warp space into itself, that'll created a poping sound, and kill everyone in a 2 meter radius immediately. But that's not all, the rest of space would vibrate violently, crumbling all biological and non-biological structures. That means everyone on Earth would be shaken into pieces, and evaporate. Another result of this tragedy would be microwaved chicken.
I have also created internet-spreading human diseases, based on writing their viral structure in codes of light waves, emitted by individual monitors. :D I hope to make some friends here, and screw around."
Tritonus said:
You're not old enough for that...

Jesus, you are either totally fucking lazy, or you are really getting stupider. Please, take it slooow, use that handy QUOTE button and choose the part of the previous post you are refering to (if any), and THEN make your important statement. Otherwise, like 6stringed there above, the person doesnt know shit about what you mean with your comment.
You do not think that was the point. To let him figure it out by himself. I'm not stupid, believe me and Ok. I'll do that next time. Just to make our lives more simple and pointless.
You do not think Im going to believe that, do you? If it happened for the first time, why not, but you keep doing this all the time, you sometimes make these phrase-replies to posts that are two or three numbers above, so nobody knows who you refer to. So yes, as I wrote in the 1666 thread, you are probably a genius yet to be discovered and we are a bunch of assholes who dont get your thought provoking hints.

rahvin, Im sorry for this mess, it must look cool as a welcome for the newbies! :lol:
lol the way you guys spread your infernal spamming even to this thread is beyond me:p
8 messeges without any new members yet in the "new members thread":loco:
And the new member messege by rahvin made me rofl ;d
I remember the old "introduce-yourself" thread, i think i presented myself there...

But a little "flashback" doesn't sound too bad...

My name is Renato and i'm from São Paulo, Brazil, i'm 18 years old, i like DT very much, but i've never seen them live...:cry: I like Swedish Metal very much too, from Hammerfall, Evergrey to Hypocrisy, Dismember, but i also like a lot German Metal(Rage is my all time favorite band :) ) and American Metal(mainly Death and Thrash Metal). For some phisical info, please visit the members' pictures thread to see the most horrible piece of meat and bones you would ever see in your entire life...:lol:
UndoControl said:
Welcome, Kolbozzo. Have a nice stay, enjoy yourself and... Wait, something's not right... Errrr, nevermind... *hides* I'm not new, but hi. :D *goes back to hiding*

remember to give me a call at some point in july, you european stallion, you. ;)