new varg interview

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Erik said:
Do you know Varg in real life? Nope? Allrighty then. :p

This was a personal interviw, not him being a dick on a web forum.

And he's expressed these exact same outlooks in every personal interview since like 1994. So TAKE THAT. ;)
Well yeah, you sure showed me, except that... no, he's changed considerably lately. But whatever, I don't expect of you to know or care a great deal about Burzum. Carry on.
Erik said:
Well yeah, you sure showed me, except that... no, he's changed considerably lately. But whatever, I don't expect of you to know or care a great deal about Burzum. Carry on.

The whole 'my pals music' discourse and his general attitude have always been relatively the same in every interview I've read.

I also happen to own Burzum/Aske, Det Som Engang Var, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, and Filosofem.
Jean-Pierre said:
The whole 'my pals music' discourse and his general attitude have always been relatively the same in every interview I've read.
Eh nah, not really. He's taken a total 180 regarding his stance on metal music, from being "I WANT NOONE TO EVER ASSOCIATE ME WITH BLACK METAL EVER AGAIN, METAL IS my pals MUSIC PLAYED ON my pals INSTRUMENTS, AND I HEREBY DISCONTINUE THE BURZUM PROJECT FOR ALL FUTURE BECAUSE I WANT NOONE TO ASSOCIATE ME WITH METAL" to "I still stand for what black metal meant back in the day, I can now admit I think 'De Mysteriis' is an awesome album, and I might even release metal-based music in the future. Thanks for supporting Burzum."

Jean-Pierre said:
I also happen to own Burzum/Aske, Det Som Engang Var, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, and Filosofem.

Erik said:
Eh nah, not really. He's taken a total 180 regarding his stance on metal music, from being "I WANT NOONE TO EVER ASSOCIATE ME WITH BLACK METAL EVER AGAIN, METAL IS my pals MUSIC PLAYED ON my pals INSTRUMENTS, AND I HEREBY DISCONTINUE THE BURZUM PROJECT FOR ALL FUTURE BECAUSE I WANT NOONE TO ASSOCIATE ME WITH METAL" to "I still stand for what black metal meant back in the day, I can now admit I think 'De Mysteriis' is an awesome album, and I might even release metal-based music in the future. Thanks for supporting Burzum."

I only read it once, but I'm sure he broke it down along these lines: "Oh, it's still full of niggerdom! but that's cool with me now." :lol:
Erik said:
If you think his ideas are anything CLOSE to communist, I'd say you are thicker than fuck.

Please do preach to me about communism, really do. All I have is first hand experience of living in a communist country for 10 years. If you didn't think any of his answers included typical communist rhetorics, you are the knobhead here.
Naggamanteh said:
Please do preach to me about communism, really do. All I have is first hand experience of living in a communist country for 10 years. If you didn't think any of his answers included typical communist rhetorics, you are the knobhead here.
Please enlighten me then, what exactly is "communist" about what he's saying? One concrete example or two would be fine.
Erik said:
Please enlighten me then, what exactly is "communist" about what he's saying? One concrete example or two would be fine.

I think the growing disregard for the environment, culture and heritage is a natural consequence of capitalism. When people care more about profit than the world they live in that is what happens.

This will be an even bigger catastrophe to the environment the moment China and India become wealthy, because our planet cannot take another 2.4 billion capitalist pigs driving polluting cars and buying essentially meaningless consumer goods all day long, seven days a week. We have problems enough with the I billion capitalist pigs we already have (mainly in the USA, Europe and Japan). And what will happen when the world population reaches 9 or even 10 billion and the majority are capitalist consumers?

The communists used to blame capitalism for polluted environment but it were the communists countries who had much higher pollution levels as a result of several factors. It is no coincidence that the level of pollution is lower in market economies, but that is an aside. I don't find this topic very exciting so I won't go into details, but if you are interested, try Schleifer and Vishny's book The Grabbing Hand, it marginally touches the topic of pollution as well (the books contains some math but is an inetresting read even for people with non-mathematical background).

And what's this 'people care more about profit than the world they live in' malarkey? No shit? Of course they do, people are selfish. Even the vikings used to plunder. Sentences like this look like extracts from Marxist or communist textbooks.

Today the USA is the main problem in this context, because the USA is doing just like the culture of Carthage did. The USA too conquer by trade. The whole world is flooded in American consumer products. The Coca-Cola company, McDonald's, Levi-Strauss, Microsoft, the Hollywood "entertainment" (id est propaganda) industry, and so forth, are destroying all cultures on planet Earth, and are trying to replace it with the American lack of culture. This "cultural" imperialism is of course linked to capitalism, and the American companies' wish to earn money - with no regards to the consequences whatsoever. They don't do this because they are "evil", but simply because they are extremely greedy and unable to think far ahead.

This is like THE communist propaganda (although his incentives are very likely different). You seriously didn't spot it? Then again, you probably weren't born in a communist country and cannot know that. Please accept my sincere apologies if you thought I was a bit harsh in my previous post, but some things really do get on my tits.
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