New Burzum Album

lurch70 said:
Uhm ... it's called enjoying life ... otherwise it's you and your thoughts and next thing you know you stab your bandmates ...

Most people who indulge in that lifestyle (myself included, I must admit :erk: ) only enjoy it on a superficial basis...

Personally, I don't think I've read such a good interview for a long time. Feels just like when I was discovering Burzum four or five years ago, still a good bloke. Had to dig out some of the music too -_-
i totally respect Varg as a musician and he has crafted some fine tunes ... but his ideology is crap.

let's face it, the guy is fucked up and a jailbird ... his opinion on life and how you should live it is a big ZERO!

and anyone looking for life lessons from any musicians ... well ... diggidy check yourself before you 'reck yoself :loco:
last night was watching "Inside the Actor's Studio" and they had Tom Cruise on.

At the end of the show he managed to tell these acting students that were in the audience on how proud he is of them and that they are all on their way in being involved in the #1 most important career in the world !!!

I almost fell of my chair ... acting is the #1 most important career???

Then he managed to qoute ... L Ron Hubbard of all people ... something like "art is the power of dreams" and that artists are dreamers and move the world forward.

Fine ... I am all about dreams myself and making them happen ... but not as an artist ... as a builder, engineer, scientist or something ... artist ... uhm

This self importand artist mentality was what turned me completely off from filmaking in the first place (as I went to college for it). Worked in NYC for awhile surrounded by people like this who lived in their own world and it was laughable at best.

Anyway .. to Tom and anyone else believing that their acting/musical career is changing the world ... basically ... you "play pretend" for a living ... we all did that when we were pre-teens ... you just never grew out of it.

Rant over ... need some breakfast :loco:
lizard said:
thank you.

anyway, since his "philosophy" appears to change every few years or so, can it in any way mean anything?

And everyone else in the world has the same 'philosophy' they had 10 years beforehand?
Ayeka said:
And everyone else in the world has the same 'philosophy' they had 10 years beforehand?
i think it's more an issue of his insistence that his philosophy has remained more or less consistent over the years...kinda like michael jackson insisting he's only had 2 plastic surgeries :loco:
cthulufhtagn said:
i think it's more an issue of his insistence that his philosophy has remained more or less consistent over the years...kinda like michael jackson insisting he's only had 2 plastic surgeries :loco:

Insistence? News to me :err:
Why does everyone have to insist that THEY know what Varg's philosophy is and whether or not he is a good guy? Just listen to his music if you like it, wait a couple of years, and see what happens when he gets out of prison... enough of this "VARG FAILS" or "VARG IS BETTER THAN YOUOOOO" business, please.