new varg interview

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ThePhilosopher said:
In most penal systems, attacking someone first does not usually count for self defense, regardless of any previous threats. If Varg physically attacked Euronymous first, it's murder, not self defense.
OK, but Euro attacked Varg first, so... Now either way, he was sentenced for murder, so this is really all beside the point (whatever the point is) anyway.
I don't agree with half of the stuff the guy says, especially his spiritual views but I wouldn't call him a moron. A lot of his views on society are in the right direction in my opinion, however as I said before, I think his spiritual beliefs are skewed.
Erik said:
OK, but Euro attacked Varg first, so... Now either way, he was sentenced for murder, so this is really all beside the point (whatever the point is) anyway.

Is that according to Varg only or was there someone else who heard/witnessed the incident?
ThePhilosopher said:
Is that according to Varg only or was there someone else who heard/witnessed the incident?
According to Varg, Euro kicked him in the stomach once before running to fetch a knife. No, there's noone else (alive ;)) who witnessed what happened, so you'll have to trust Varg, or you can choose not to, in which case there's no point discussing this at all.
Erik said:
According to Varg, Euro kicked him in the stomach once before running to fetch a knife. No, there's noone else (alive ;)) who witnessed what happened, so you'll have to trust Varg, or you can choose not to, in which case there's no point discussing this at all.

Okay, so you have no basis to tell me I'm wrong either. I'm sure Varg wouldn't have any motive to lie about it........*wink*
Jean-Pierre said:
I'd like to see him walk into an urban amercian neiborhood and express his stupid fucking beliefs. In fact, I'd like to see him walk into REALITY, and express his idiotic beliefs.

And yes, the music he made was good (mesmerizing and absorbing), but artfags like you make me want to hate it.

Ad-Hominem; it's a great show of intelligence when you have to degrade to name calling.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Okay, so you have no basis to tell me I'm wrong either. I'm sure Varg wouldn't have any motive to lie about it........*wink*
About 10 years AFTER he was convicted? No, not really. If you care enough, you can read for yourself -- I find the story believable, but even if it is 100% bullshit it's still a good read, ha.
Varg said:
He had showed his intention to kill me, and even though he was no longer a direct threat to me, there and then, I did not feel any bad for killing him. His cowardice had made me angry and I saw no reason to let him live, not when he had showed his intent to kill me. Had I let him live I would only let him have another attempt at my life, later on.

Yeah, that's not self-defense at all. But regardless, they're both stupid people, and definitely not what I consider the end all of black metal.
I get a bit uptight when he uses history to prove his points, because a lot of the time he seems to like to be think he's authorititive when really his use of the past as evidence is often shaky at best.

And I also have difficulty coming to terms with the fact that he is rationalising a lot of the modern world with mythology he has learnt out of a 19th century book, because let's face it most direct links to the Pagan past are gone, so a lot of the philosophies, beliefs and practices of the true Pagan ancestors - not the hippy re-eneactors - are purely conjecture.

I don't see why, as romantic as they are, the Norse mythologies are any more relevant or believable in the modern world, I prefer if anything just to take a physical view of things, the perfection of nature as a natural phenomenon, the history of human existence through time, it is far more interesting and relevant to me than explaining it away with fairy tales learnt from history books, as inspiring as these can be.
High On Maiden said:
I get a bit uptight when he uses history to prove his points, because a lot of the time he seems to like to be think he's authorititive when really his use of the past as evidence is often shaky at best.

those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it.
Dodens Grav said:
Because you're a Tr00 Black Metal Warrior? Nobody cares if you agree with Varg, just stop whining about it when people make fun of him for say, using water bottles for weights and running laps in his cell, as well as saying "Mother, I will flee."

Obviously someone DOES care...

And that statement about Varg running around with water bottle weights in order to build muscle, how is that different to you using ordinary weights... or am I right in assuming that you dont do this and therefore have the physicality of a typically mulnirished nerd living on prozac and protein pills?
High On Maiden said:
I get a bit uptight when he uses history to prove his points, because a lot of the time he seems to like to be think he's authorititive when really his use of the past as evidence is often shaky at best.

And I also have difficulty coming to terms with the fact that he is rationalising a lot of the modern world with mythology he has learnt out of a 19th century book, because let's face it most direct links to the Pagan past are gone, so a lot of the philosophies, beliefs and practices of the true Pagan ancestors - not the hippy re-eneactors - are purely conjecture.

I don't see why, as romantic as they are, the Norse mythologies are any more relevant or believable in the modern world, I prefer if anything just to take a physical view of things, the perfection of nature as a natural phenomenon, the history of human existence through time, it is far more interesting and relevant to me than explaining it away with fairy tales learnt from history books, as inspiring as these can be.

Is that any worse than people rationalising their existence on a book written 2000 years ago???

To the statement about the romantacism in norse mythologies... If someone believes that the Norse mythologies are relevant today and use them toward their own means, is that no different than someone reading something in here and using that new knowledge to their own ends?
Jean-Pierre said:
Oh, I didn't realize we were in a formal debate, you pseudo-intellectual cunt trowel.

This is a great example of why internet forums have failed, when "individuals" see it fit to express their shining personalities and egos, rather than participate in discussion of any real meaning.
Astral Poetry said:
This is a great example of why internet forums have failed, when "individuals" see it fit to express their shining personalities and egos, rather than participate in discussion of any real meaning.

My wang is bigger than yours.
Astral Poetry said:
This is a great example of why internet forums have failed, when "individuals" see it fit to express their shining personalities and egos, rather than participate in discussion of any real meaning.

It is the cause of the breakdown of any rational argument. 99% of the world is made up by the weak and the strong, all of which are related by the fear they feel. This fear is a catalyst for their actions - fear of death leaves the weak to come up with intricate plans for the future in order to defeat the strong, and the strong will forever defend their will in whichever moment they happen to be in with little thought to the future, as the future, they realise, will most probably result in a loss of their power.

The other 1% is the superman for lack of a better words, perhaps the Ubermensch will do. The Ubermensch accept the world around them as reality and therefore have no fear. They dont try to run and hide from the reality of life, they accept it. They accept that death, among other things, are simply a part of life.

Can you tell I'm being inspired by Nietzsche?
I'll just chime in...

I like Burzum, not a fan of Varg so much. Sometimes his goofiness can be funny, but overall his racism is kind of bothersome. However, he makes a lot of good sociopolitical points when racism isn't involved.
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