new varg interview

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Varg said:
I think the growing disregard for the environment, culture and heritage is a natural consequence of capitalism. When people care more about profit than the world they live in that is what happens. Capitalism in the "Western" world in turn is just a natural consequence of Christianity,

I read that and and skipping to the second question. What an idiot.

Stupid Interviewer said:
What are your thoughts on the negroid race? surreal and idiotic.

Varg said:
I don't think they like me very much... and unfortunately it is more important to be liked by them than to have the right/law on your side.

Getting out in 2006 seems incredibly lenient to me for 1st degree murder (regardless of what he was convicted of) and breaking out of prison. Shut up.

Jean-Pierre said:
I only read it once, but I'm sure he broke it down along these lines: "Oh, it's still full of niggerdom! but that's cool with me now." :lol:

Exactly. I'm in agreement with Jean-Pierre here.
Okay, conclusions....

Varg is still a pompous, condescending idiot who has absolutely no grasp of reality. He also seems to think the world owes him something because he has such wonderful beliefs (in his opinion). He needs an extension on his prison sentence. The only interesting thing I learned here is what he claims about Hellhammer leaving Varg's bass playing on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and just taking his name off the art.

Anyway, a question. I remember the last interview was translated. Is he speaking in English here? That would explain why he sounds more mature.
I've learned to listen to Burzum without acknowledging the inconvenience of Varg's existence, and that has made it all worth the while. 'Tis good music.
He actually said a few thought-provoking things that made some bit of sense, but his general idiocy overshadowed any bit of intelligence his thoughts might have contained.
Good interview. He makes a lot of good and valid points. Sad that so many people get their panties up in a bunch when they hear anyone converse in non "pc" fashion.
Darth Kur said:
Good interview. He makes a lot of good and valid points. Sad that so many people get their panties up in a bunch when they hear anyone converse in non "pc" fashion.

Haha. I was just waiting for you to come in and say he's really smart and we just don't like him because he says "my pals."
Barking Pumpkin said:
Haha. I was just waiting for you to come in and say he's really smart and we just don't like him because he says "my pals."

Were you now? Well isn't that special. I hope I didn't keep you waiting all too long. You can go back to whatever sort of buggery you were engaged in before hand now.
Jean-Pierre said:
I'd like to see him walk into an urban amercian neiborhood and express his stupid fucking beliefs. In fact, I'd like to see him walk into REALITY, and express his idiotic beliefs.
Yes, because we all know that beliefs are worthless unless you don't get persecuted for expressing them? Every opinion of worth in this world is extreme, make some fucking sense.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Getting out in 2006 seems incredibly lenient to me for 1st degree murder (regardless of what he was convicted of) and breaking out of prison. Shut up.
More like "manslaughter in self-defence", but you're not particularly bright, so whatever. If you're going to argue that I don't know the circumstances of the killing any better than you, then there you are, SHUT UP THEN.
Why are you vehemently defending Varg like it matters, Erik? Just stop getting yourself wet over people thinking he sucks and listen to his albums instead. You act like agreeing or disagreeing with Varg is the deciding factor in sucky people and nonsucky people, when it certainly isn't to anyone with a brain.
Dodens Grav said:
Why are you vehemently defending Varg like it matters, Erik?
I'm not vehemently defending Varg, I'm vehemently defending using your fucking brain. Also, his opinions on lots of things coincide with mine to about 70% so defending them are in my interest.
Because you're a Tr00 Black Metal Warrior? Nobody cares if you agree with Varg, just stop whining about it when people make fun of him for say, using water bottles for weights and running laps in his cell, as well as saying "Mother, I will flee."
He's not attacking people who make fun of him, he's attacking retards who launch seemingly serious arguments against him without any substance.
Dodens Grav said:
[shitty, irrelevant part of post cut out] just stop whining about it when people make fun of him for say, using water bottles for weights and running laps in his cell, as well as saying "Mother, I will flee."
:lol: I didn't "whine" about that, I have never whined about things like that ever. I'm arguing against when people say stuff like "lol he's such an idiot, I'd like to see him walk into a black neighbourhood yelling HEIL HITLER, we'll see how much his opinions are worth THEN!" 'cause that's fucking dumb. Also, you ask why I defend what Varg is saying, and then when I give you a reason (that I agree with his views), you say that you don't care? Fine, don't ask then.
In most penal systems, attacking someone first does not usually count for self defense, regardless of any previous threats. If Varg physically attacked Euronymous first, it's murder, not self defense.
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