New years resolution: Lose over 30kg weight. Need halp


Anssi Tenhunen
Since xmas is over, I went to the scale and checked that I weight over 130kg (285lbs). I decided 10 years ago that I don't make any new years resolutions, but this is getting out of hands if I keep going on like this, I will be like my friend Santeri before I'm 30.

I decided that by the end of the year 2011 I want to weight two digit numbers again. I know I can do it because I have done it once before when I was in the army; My weight went from 117kg to 95kg (-22kg), but then it slowly returned. My primary goal for now is to lose the excess size, as in water and fat, not to build muscle at this point.

So, I have 3 main problems here:

- I don't have a plan or equipment. I've never done this kind of weight loss on purpose before or by myself voluntarily, so I don't have experience how to do it efficiently and thus I need a plan like diet, supplements, exercise, rest etc. I really like to swim, but the place where I live doesn't have a pool and swimming in the icy lakes is not very efficient or healthy for a longer period. There are 2 gyms tho, but I still need the equipment.

- My current weight. Means that I'm pretty effectively out of shape and I am afraid that I will hurt myself and especially my ankles because of it. I also can't do stuff like pull ups because I just don't have the strength for it (yet). I think that those guys who weight like 50kg and do 1000 pull ups on the videos most likely couldn't do much more than a few pull ups if they would have 80kg of weights hanging from their legs, which is similar weight that I have on me now.

- The Finnish weather. It is fucking cold and slippery outside. The next 3-4 months will be constantly below zero Celsius and I just checked that the it's between -15 and -28 in the upcoming week where I live. And I hate that. That is why I would want to do as much of the stuff inside as possible. And because of my weight I don't like running.

I will keep a diary for myself to see some progress (but I will not publish it until the end of the year).
Don't bother with supplements. You do not need them. Here's what I did to go from fat to semi-ripped:

1. Cut down on carbs and thus on calories.

2. Start running as often as possible. You do not need a treadmill to run. Not having a treadmill is not an excuse. I know it's cold outside, but after five minutes of running, you'll forget about it.

3. Start weight training. This is extremely important. Just buy some cheap weights online (a barbell and dumbells + weight plates). This will increase your mass of metabolically-active tissue, so that you burn calories when you're sitting on your arse.

4. Do not stop training. Do not lapse into laziness, just because it's raining outside or you don't feel like it. Stay motivated - look at Petrucci's picture every day as inspiration (optional).

5. Do not worry about you weight. Worry about your body-fat percentage. But some body-fat callipers online and keep a record of your progress.

6. Drink a lot of water. Not only will training be easier when you're hydrated, you won't get massive folds of stretched skin when you lose fat.

I wish you the best of luck.

BTW, none of this, please: :Smokin:
Thanks for the tips.

1. What I am most concerned is getting under-nutritious(?). is that even a word? But you know, not getting enough or too much "something".

2 and 3. I was thinking of getting a gym membership instead of getting the threadmill and weights myself, the gym is like 10 minutes away.

4. Staring at Petrucci would be kinda gay.

5. Thats what I meant with the OP.

6. Doing this already. About 1-2 liters a day.
Don't jump on the stupid DIET train!!!!

I would recommend you to ride a bicycle or use a Crosstrainer which is an awesome machine, I prefer running which is superior to all if yu want to lose weight but i understand why you don't like it. Combine this with lifting weights and your safe.
Minimum 3-5times a week. There is no way around this. It takes allot of hard work so if you're determine you will get results man!!!
If you go to the gym they have Personal Trainers who can help you put up a program and a diet if you like.

When you weigh as much as you do you need to do some serious changes when it comes to what you eat, drink etc. If you just commit to this you will lose allot of weight fast!!!

Good luck and keep us updated
I have lost 20kg in less than six months by mostly just eating less. At the beginning of july (starting day 7.7.2010) I was at 92kg, and now 72kg (I'm 175cm tall). I have sometimes called it the "no brainer diet" :). First two months I kept track what I eat by counting the calories approximately. I set the limit at 1200kcal a day, but sometimes it was less sometimes more. First two weeks I was hungry and then no more. This is not a healthy diet, but I have felt fine and will continue to drop a few kgs still. Lately I had eaten bit more since I started exercising.

Few things I've noticed:
Don't eat too much on one meal, you'll be very hungry later. If you are used to eat till you can't fit anything no more, then it may be bit difficult to stop after reasonable amount ( at least I know this was difficult for me at first).

This was already mentioned, but drink a lot of water.

Take vitamins! you will need em. I had this under control before the diet because doctors recommended these to my chronic skin disease years back( omega-3 and additional d-vitamin etc.).

Cutting off alcohol would be beneficial also. I don't drink beer anymore but I drink a shitload of booze at weekends and when hungover, I order a pizza. Theres no need to make life too hard even when on diet. Just remember, eat reasonable amounts and when you do this long enough, you get used to it and actually can't even eat too much.

Exercising didn't feel good when I was starting the diet so I thought "fuck this, if I eat less than I consume I still lose weight". I first dropped 15kg and after that everything felt so light I figured I might as well start exercising too :).
1st of all .. yes, running is best. If its Suomi cold outside, run in place indoors. Not the same but you'll still build a sweat and thats what you want. Build sweat = burn calories

Do not underestimate pushups. Done properly, at a controlled rate in a full cycle you will burn calories, strengthen not only your arms but your entire core, back, shoulders and legs. Set yourself up to do a couple sets of maybe 10-15, depending on what you think you are capable of doing. If you're as out of shape as you say, chances are you'll have a hard time with 10 proper pushups. Get something that you can elevate your legs on for the 2nd set to change it up.

Don't worry so much about dieting, just be aware of what you are eating. Try to cut out as much garbage as you can but replace it with healthy shit. Best thing until your body starts reacting to what you're doing is to not change too much at once. Just be aware so that you don't start eating MORE than you normally do. You'll drop weight and get cut up a bit in a faster amount of time than you might think

oh yeah, LOTS of water
I've lost 7kg in 12 days(from 89.5kg to 82.5kg) by eating fruits and vegetables (salads) exclusively.It is not healthy to do this for a long period,but losing your first 10kg in 2 weeks is a good starting point that will enhance your will to continue your diet,as you will already have seen results.

Not seeing results is the number one factor to quiting your efforts...
Don't jump on the stupid DIET train!!!!

double-edged sword here

what you DON'T want to do is get sucked into some silly fad diet, with lists of shit that you can and can't eat

what you DO want to do is monitor your calorie intake. no matter what the circumstance is, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you're taking in. this is why various low card/south beach/cabbage soup/whatever diets do initially's because they're cutting out sugary, high-calorie foods. for someone of your current weight, 1800 or so calories per day would be ideal.

also, don't view it as a "diet", per se...look at it as a permanent change in your eating habits. make a point to eat a good-sized breakfast, along with several other small meals during the day, with pointless snacking kept to a minimum. avoid eating large meals at night, and especially just before bed, because your body is going to do nothing but turn all that into fat as you sleep.
Go to a dietologist. I was 105kg since I remember my self and now with very little try I'm ~75kg and I do not want anymore to eat.
It's EASY to loose weight. Just say to your self to stop eating. That's it....

+1 to the bicycle, you can get those indoor bikes as actually biking in minus conditions must suck.

good luck man

Bicycle is awesome too. I was doing 18km (~11 miles) every day this summer and It helped me to loose weight too.
eat a shitload of vegetables (not potato, tho'). Drink A LOT of water (2 liters is what you should usually drink daily, drink more). Eat WAY less red meat (the fat and the hormones in it don't help losing weight. The 'correct' amount of meat you eat daily, red or white, is the size of your palm. So your plate should look like A LOT of vegetables, a little bit of meat and whatever). Do some exercises and search for other stuff that help fasten your metabolism. Make your dinner only a soup or something. Don't eat white bread. Drink green tea (that chinese or japanese helps fasten your metabolism and helps losing weight - 1l daily is great! It also helps your digestion. Just avoid it if you have very high blood pressure).
One more: dont stay long periods without eating something. Your metabolism slows down when you do that. So eat something each 3 hours or so, and eat ANY protein before sleeping (a slice of cheese or a coup of milk - without sugar - do the job just fine). A doctor told me that.
@ Anssi: If you want to loose that much weight and don't want to gain it again then I diet won't help you, you have to change your entire nutrition in general.
Because If you gained that much weight means that you eat too much, or eat the wrong things, or too much of the wrong things. and if you fall back into that after you lost weight it will go up again.
Exercising is a must too, I'd try to find some sports that you like doing...swiming is awesome because it will spare your joints, since it seems you dont like running.
What I personally think is dumb too is to "forbid" some certain things you "arent allowed to eat", because theres a chance you'll get some kind of eating attack somewhen.
It's all about the dosis

@ Jaymz: Go to the Gym and eat like a mofo, then watch you weight increasing lol
Im one of those people that can eat 50 birthday cakes in a day and not put on a gram Mago :p Getting some stuff to sort that out soon however.

Anyway good luck Anssi with your NYR!
The thing is if you work out 4-5days a week you don't have to worry about what food your eating. OF couse you shouldn't eat MCdonalds each day but allot of protein (chicken, tuna, meat) with some carbohydrate such as pasta , potato etc. Carbohydrate is the fuel that keeps the body going so idiots who say you should avoid those things don't now shit.
And as the thing others has mentioned such avoid drink alcohol, once a month is ok, perhaps a beer every saturday but not that often. If you start to work out going from nothing to 3-5days a week you will burn fat fast.