New Years Resolutions?

I played Guitar Heroes 3 on Xbox (a friend got it for christmas), and man there are awsome songs! Raining Blood, Rolling Stone's Paint It Black, Black Sabbath and shit. :D
Well, anyone got any for 2010?

I plan to drink (slightly) less, work out (more), get a (decent) band together, cut out smoking (altogether), and eat (more) healthy. As you can tell by the parentheses, I sort of do these already, just want to get my act together even more...There's a bunch of other shit I could add, but it mostly relates to aquiring posessions so I'm leaving that out...
I don't have any for 2010.. I haven't had a new year resolution the last 2 years cause I realized that it's not gonna happen anyway .. :D
Eg bad habits - it'll never change (for me). I've tried a few times but it always ends up with ''alright, I'll try once again time next year''..
-My new year's resolution is to stop resurrecting old threads (kidding)

Now seriously, I did not make any resolutions last year and I got a lot done, so my main resolution is to stop worrying so much about everything and maybe everything else will follow... or I'll care less if it doesn't.

Getting back into German or picking up a new language may also be quite nice...
Mine is to be less shy with people,and at least cut back a little on smoking and drinking....I imagine i will acomplish one of the three ;)