New Years Resolutions?


One of mine is to learn acoustic guitar well enough to attract girls. I've been playing for 5 years now, but all I do is metal. That's right; I'm selling out.


Good luck mate. :) We're not that complicated.

That's a blatant lie, we are fucked up. :lol: Or like we say in Spanish, "as mad as a prostitute goat"
@ WeAreInFlames, have you learned NOTHING from DamageInc.!?! If you try to attract non metal girls, you won't be happy. How many times can you hear "turn it down" and not go insane?
I've seen this work. Also, I've noticed that whenever I'm out in public carrying a guitar case I get more sexy looks. I'm thinking I should just carry an empty case at all times, really.

@ WeAreInFlames, have you learned NOTHING from DamageInc.!?! If you try to attract non metal girls, you won't be happy. How many times can you hear "turn it down" and not go insane?
Nah, I wouldn't want a metal girl. We'd spend all our time arguing about bands and not having sex because it wasn't the full moon.


Chaos Marines = Warhammer 40000.
Yeah, I knew. Hence the :erk:
I've seen this work. Also, I've noticed that whenever I'm out in public carrying a guitar case I get more sexy looks. I'm thinking I should just carry an empty case at all times, really.


Nah, I wouldn't want a metal girl. We'd spend all our time arguing about bands and not having sex because it wasn't the full moon.

Not true. We don't always listen to the same bands. Doesn't really effect our sex life (I won't have anything fucking up that, hehe)...we both understand the other has a passion for their music.
If she's the arguing bitchy type...then you shouldn't be with her metal or no, she's just a bitch.
The old year ended with a large amount of green vomit, the new one started with tripping out of my mind lying on a couch, so I think I'll take that as a sign that I'm destined to do great things this year.
I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago. My resolution is to continue.
For those thinking of quiting: honestly I was a chain smoker, like a pack a day, and I quit easily. Never thought I'd manage but it isn't that hard.
I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago. My resolution is to continue.
For those thinking of quiting: honestly I was a chain smoker, like a pack a day, and I quit easily. Never thought I'd manage but it isn't that hard.

Well done you!!! :) As someone who's never smoked I don't know how difficult it is to quit but most people I know have gone mental over it and eventually just picked it up again.

Of course with the smoking ban *yaaaay I love it, it's the best thing ever, don't hate me for it!!!!* quitting is logical unless you want to spend all of your night out outside the pub.
My resolution was to find a job... but the job found me in December 29th. :)

SO maybe an added thing is to refurbish my flat... not looking forward to having to shower in the gym for a month or so.
now i've got my law degree, i just have to complete traineeship within the next 6 months (start Jan 27) and i'll be a qualified lawyer.

so my resolution is to just stay as focused as i have in the past with my studies :kickass::kickass::kickass:
My resolution is to get all these stickers off my laptop. (The amount of plastic and stickers put on a laptop nowadays is ridiculous!)

Maybe as a second one I might get back on my healthy diet. Fell off the wagon a bit..with all the new food and new cakes (nom) to try. This one is a maybe, because the bakeries here are just plain awesome.
Well done you!!! :) As someone who's never smoked I don't know how difficult it is to quit but most people I know have gone mental over it and eventually just picked it up again.

Of course with the smoking ban *yaaaay I love it, it's the best thing ever, don't hate me for it!!!!* quitting is logical unless you want to spend all of your night out outside the pub.

well I was expecting to fail but I still haven't smoked a single cigarette. I wear patches though, and that helps, not only for the nicotine but also because its apparently dangerous to smoke while wearing a patch and since I wear one 24/7 i just don't dare smoke. Also my doctor prescribed the patches for me, and I just don't want to disappoint. All that helps I guess.
Its also so much nicer to not cough all day and to be able to run up a flight of stairs easily.
Another helpful thing is that before quitting I used to see practically every other day this woman talking with one of these horrible fake voice machines because she had throat cancer... kind of less enjoyed my smokes after seeing that a few times ^^

Edit : and even when I smoked like a chimney I was all for those smoke banning laws is public areas. It kind of busted my balls in pubs and gigs but I did appreciate the fact that my eyes didn't sting so much. I hear that in nightclubs, since the ban of cigarettes, it just stinks of sweat now XD wouldn't know but I heard people complain about that.