New Years Resolutions ...


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Okay let's have em people and are you any good at keeping them ???

Mine are:
Lose about a stone and get into some sort of shape.. (last 2 years haven't been good)
Don't let people abuse my good nature ...
Drink More (just felt like i've been deprived this year)
Gig More (Definitely deprived this year)
umm... oh yeah and worldwide domination for INTENSE naturally :headbang:
Here's mine:
Drink more
Eat less
Get some gigs for the band
Get a girlfriend
Get a keytar. Just cos they're cool.

Errr... keytars are never cool. Unless you have a particular aspiration to be in Duran Duran. And for those of you too young to remember them in their 80's pomp, well, lucky you...

How's about I hook you up with a hot chick if you promise to not play the keytar?
Hmmm. Han says at 9.49pm on Dec 30 - resolution is to give up on men. Han says at 10.44pm Dec 31 - I'll hook you up if you find me a nice guy. Well done. I'll say your resolution lasted just fractionally over 24 hours, and didn't even actually reach Jan 1st 2007. Is this perhaps some record?

My resolution is to stop being pedantic and pointing out other folk's foibles...
Hmmm. Han says at 9.49pm on Dec 30 - resolution is to give up on men. Han says at 10.44pm Dec 31 - I'll hook you up if you find me a nice guy. Well done. I'll say your resolution lasted just fractionally over 24 hours, and didn't even actually reach Jan 1st 2007. Is this perhaps some record?

i know :cry: i just love men too much to give them up :cry:

stupid men :(
Well it's taken me until the 2nd of January to think of something...

I will try to post more on all the forums for the bands I especially like, instead of just reading everyone else's comments and lurking around.

I want to learn a new skill, but does it make me sound terrribly old and boring if I tell you all that I intend to learn to knit? I have bought a book on knitting coats for dogs already...

And am I just stating the bleedin' obvious here or has anyone else noticed that Han wants a boyfriend and wildespace and TemplarOfSteel are looking for girlfriends? :oops:

Happy New Year to everyone, hope you've all recovered from partying. I have bad carpet burns on my elbows, but not saying how I got them. :lol:

Belinda x
That'll be the extra-hard rock n' roll living we engage in. Constant 24 hrs a day partying takes it's toll on the body, you know. One can only take so much substance abuse before your face starts to show the wear and tear...