NEWS FLASH to Jon Bush...

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"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Just so you know.

Your Buddies Charlene and Jewcifer are shopping around for a new ANTHRAX deal with Joey Belladonna and Dan SPitz as full time members...

Funny how you see what I have seen all the time..
These guys are scummy people of the worst magnitude..
Shouldnt you be tending to the fry basket at your new job at Headhunters Billy.

Oh sorry you are the 4pm DJ on a Wednesday night. I didnt mean to insult the fry cook.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Shouldnt you be tending to the fry basket at your new job at Headhunters Billy.

Oh sorry you are the 4pm DJ on a Wednesday night. I didnt mean to insult the fry cook.

You've got sooo much power Bill. We're sooo impressed.

There's nothing about you that isn't ugly, you sad little man.

Well, not so little.

and finally how fun is it going to be when you release your DVD and It gets put on every P2P site, and bit torrent in world
Ha hAh ha

Buzzard said:
muffytheVampirelayer said:

How fun is it having to sleep alone at night because no woman would want a fat pig like you. How fun was it getting evicted from your apartment in New York because you could not pay your rent. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and finally how fun is it going to be when you release your DVD and It gets put on every P2P site, and bit torrent in world
Ha hAh ha

When I tour in June and July with Crisis and you don't have the balls to walk up to me and say I'm muffythevampireslayer?? BEcause everyone knows, you aint gonna do it because you are a coward. But I dare you...
I'll even give you and another person free tickets and all access..
so now you have to show up...because your a tough guy and your gonna prove it to everyone.
First off. Jon Bush used to DJ in a bar in L.A, and not at 4pm on a Wednesday in butt fuck Texas or where ever it is you live. That is called failed at life.

Just fuck off Milano, you suck, you failed. You lose. You are nothing, but a fat sack of shit that has failed at everything you have tried alone. Anthrax made you. Go sleep with your dogs yopu stupid bitch. And have fun DJing on a Wednnesday afternoon to no-one. Look around at the bar tomorrow, and see how bad you failed, you stupid faT FUCK.

By banning me (all because I made an Anthrax comment) It proves that you are a hypocrit, and a liar.

Buzzard said:
Jon Bush used to DJ and bartend at a bar in LA while ANTHRAX was doing nothing for 4 years... It's called a job.

Isn't it amazing that he slags people off for being 'internet tough guys' when that's ALL HE DOES! I wish he'd ban me fom his shitty board. The only reason I go there is out of a sense of morbid curiosity. You know - "people like this really exist?!"
Ross___ said:

Isn't it amazing that he slags people off for being 'internet tough guys' when that's ALL HE DOES! I wish he'd ban me fom his shitty board. The only reason I go there is out of a sense of morbid curiosity. You know - "Wow,people like me really do exist?!"
We wish he would to Ross, we really do....
Ross___ said:

Isn't it amazing that he slags people off for being 'internet tough guys' when that's ALL HE DOES! I wish he'd ban me fom his shitty board. The only reason I go there is out of a sense of morbid curiosity. You know - "people like this really exist?!"

You got it bitch

And muffy- Austin is the Live music capital of AMerica.
But you knew that already..

just make sure you show up
As I said; morbid curiosity and nothing more. I wonder what will happen when the only people on the Billy Milano board are people who agree with him. I always thought messageboards were for discussion. Apparently not.

Anyway, this is the Armoured Saint board. It'd be good if they'd do something whilst the questionable Anthrax reunion was going on...
I know Austin is the LIVE music capital. Thats why you are a DJ at 4pm on a Wednesday. Fuck, you are the most retarded person in Texas.

I wish all those Canadian seal clubbers would go to Texas and club your fat fucken head in. I would pay to see that.

Buzzard said:
You got it bitch

And muffy- Austin is the Live music capital of AMerica.
But you knew that already..

just make sure you show up
Yes he does local shows. Every Wednesday afternoon he DJs to 10-15 people at 4 pm at Headhunters. Ahhhhh haa haa hhaa you fat fucken failure.

To quote your great songwriting skils....get a real job.

After that he makes french fries and onion rings in the back untill closing. That is quite a show, especially when he gets grease splashed on his arms. He squeels like a stuck pig.

Jono said:
i didn't know he lived in austin. billy if you're still listening do you do any local shows? i live in houston. I'd like to catch them.
But it's the way he says it; "News flash", as though he knows more about the situation than Bush...I mean, would Anthrax (or anyone) really confide in Milano?!

"jon- watch your back with these guys" think maybe Bush knows by now what Ian and Benante are like? He has been around them for over a decade.

I'm not condoning the reunion or lack of news, but I think Milano should keep his mouth shut. Just for a novelty.
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