NEWS FLASH to Jon Bush...

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Ross___ said:
But it's the way he says it; "News flash", as though he knows more about the situation than Bush...I mean, would Anthrax (or anyone) really confide in Milano?!

MILANO: I work in this industry- I make people money. I speak the truth when others are afraid. People confide in me. People like Danny Lilker, Frank BEllo who did an interview for my website when he was in town with helmet. I'm in this industry longer than Scott or Charlie. But you knew this already...

"jon- watch your back with these guys" think maybe Bush knows by now what Ian and Benante are like? He has been around them for over a decade.

Milano: YEs he knows exactly what they are like and they are planning to fuck him over. They are shopping the original line-up as we speak per my conversations with several A&R people. Theyare keeping Jon in the mix in case Joey freaks out again and leaves.. I have been around these guys for 20 years...

I'm not condoning the reunion or lack of news, but I think Milano should keep his mouth shut. Just for a novelty.

Milano: You will find that I am the most informed in the bunch, I know more than Bush and Rob found out today I know more than him. Scott and Charlie are rotten lousy people that care nothing about their fans or loyalty to friends. I think in the next month or 2 you will find some very interesting information on Perhaps it is your inability to graple with the truth or the fact that I am in the know that will keep you acting like a bitch. Buy the way, You posted on my board all the time, I won't ban you but maybe you should show some integrity and not post there. Muffy on the other hand is a bitch fan boy. BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Scott and Charlie are rotten lousy people that care nothing about their fans or loyalty to friends"...I can't disagree with that.

Other stuff (which I should probably rise above, but I live in constant hope that human beings will one day be able to communicate with monkeys); Yes, I posted on your messageboard, but as I said at the time, it was morbid curiosity and nothing more. I couldn't believe that those kind of people exist outside of badly written tv.

You know so much but you say so little. Odd that, isn't it?

Integrity? I thought you were a part of the music industry! You're so naive!!

Billy, for the love of God...stop talking. Just once. What are you, 40? You sound like a schoolkid. No-one cares. No-one cares whos ass you're going to kick. No-one cares what you think about Anthrax. The few people left who have ever heard of Anthrax don't know who you are.

As my Granny always used to say; 'the empty can rattles the most'.

As my Granny always used to say; 'the empty can rattles the most'.


Ross opinons are cheap , that's correct you should know. There is no one on the plant cheaper than a scottsman.

Hahahahaha...'Scottsman'? Hahahahaha!!!!

Oh, go on, edit your spelling mistakes you feeble-minded, mud-slinging racist. And not even an offensive racist - a playground name-caller. Oh Bill, you've made my night! :)
Buzzard said:
There is no one on the plant cheaper than a scottsman.

I can think of two. That cunt of a slut that you call mommy, and you, a faggot Texas piece of shit. Go make me some onion rings you stupid bitch.
Milano may talk a lot of shit and a lot of the time I disagree with him...and no matter how much of an asshole he seems, or have to admit, he's 100% correct in this situation.
They fucked John. John rules, and they replaced him for some poodle-mullet-wearing asshole with a dated schtick.
Well done to Billy Milano. He's finally right about something. No wonder he can't keep his fucking mouth shut about it.
:lol: :lol: at the ribbing ol' boy is taking here.

It's kinda funny to find out that he lives in Austin, since I go there, lived there, and no one has ever mentioned that he's there. And it is a musical capital, ya know. :Smug:

Guess he's not really considered a musician. :tickled:

It's funny cuz I used to jam the shit out of his early MOD stuff as a kid, and I even liked that Demolition song or whatever the fuck it was when he was signed to Energy Records..... but to find he's such an ass towards me for voicing an opinion in similar fashion as he does... and then going so far as getting me banned.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Actually he DID mention it to you that he lives in Texas. He even invited you to come down to Headhunter's(the club he works at) to pay him a visit.

ooooo, Headhunters. :lol: Like lookin for "head" hunters?? :lol:

Dude do you think I would honestly drive two and a half hours to see his ass when all he can do is talk shit to people? Gas is over $2 a gallon, I got a wife and two kids, lots of shit going on that's a lot more important than Billy Milano, but it sure is funny he's here in Texas, working a lame shift at a strip club.

I remember driving to San Antonio to see him at the Metal festival and was disappointed at how much time he spent ranting about a bunch of bullshit instead of playing three or four more songs.
Hi Thraxgirlie,

Nah. Most people I know are very generous.

Billy doesn't understand that people are just people. Some are cheap, some aren't. Nationality has nothing to do with it. Every nationality has been an immigrant at some stage in it's genetic make-up. Ol' Bill doesn't realise that. Or much.

Sad tiny-minded, insecure, tragic wee man!

Papa Josh said:
ooooo, Headhunters. :lol: Like lookin for "head" hunters?? :lol:

Dude do you think I would honestly drive two and a half hours to see his ass when all he can do is talk shit to people? Gas is over $2 a gallon, I got a wife and two kids, lots of shit going on

Fuckin coward- I'll give you the 40 bucks to show up and bring your bitches.
Fuckin coward.
I'll give you a 1000 if you bring muffy
Buzzard said:
Fuckin coward- I'll give you the 40 bucks to show up and bring your bitches.
Fuckin coward.
I'll give you a 1000 if you bring muffy

First off, I don't even know who Muffy is. Second, of all.... coward? I'm not the one talking all of this shit on the internet about how tough I am. I'm not the one talking about other people's children, the way you have.

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post in this thread where I posted my past with Billy Milano...

Like I said over at RC, it'll probably be a matter of shows on your upcoming tour with Crisis before Karyn kicks your ass for something that comes out of your mouth.

The internet sure has given you the opportunity to make yourself look like a real asshole.
oh well, if anything, you'll bring some traffic to the Armored Saint board, a band that truly deserves more attention.
Papa Josh said:
First off, I don't even know who Muffy is. Second, of all.... coward? I'm not the one talking all of this shit on the internet about how tough I am. I'm not the one talking about other people's children, the way you have.

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post in this thread where I posted my past with Billy Milano...

Like I said over at RC, it'll probably be a matter of shows on your upcoming tour with Crisis before Karyn kicks your ass for something that comes out of your mouth.

The internet sure has given you the opportunity to make yourself look like a real asshole.
oh well, if anything, you'll bring some traffic to the Armored Saint board, a band that truly deserves more attention.

Like I said- show up- bring your best...
First off you dont have anywhere near 1000 bucks buddy. And I am going to show up in Seattle. Look for a world of hurt fat boy. I will also take it out on your van. Ha4rd to tour while on foot.

By the way Billy...nice message board. Nice website, nice lie about NB asking you to do a record. Nice band you dont have, nice to see you got evicted. LOSER.

Anotherthing COWARD MILANO...send your skinhead friends to visit me. That proves you are a coward, like your traitor family past.

Buzzard said:
Fuckin coward- I'll give you the 40 bucks to show up and bring your bitches.
Fuckin coward.
I'll give you a 1000 if you bring muffy
Papa Josh said:
First off, I don't even know who Muffy is. Second, of all.... coward? I'm not the one talking all of this shit on the internet about how tough I am. I'm not the one talking about other people's children, the way you have.
Or wishing my mother would die of cancer. . But like I said before,She would beat your ass Billy.... like she beat cancer.
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