Next Album....

You know, I don't really see why everyone hates ASOP. I thought each and every song was great, something new to me (as I have never been able to enjoy a full In Flames album completely), and I felt like it was a very strong CD. I've always personally thought that In Flames was never good at being complex or super-intelligent, my favorite band Dark Tranquillity was always way better at that, plus they knew how to stay heavy as well. But even DT has done like 3 pop albums now in their career, and it doesn't hurt for In Flames to do them as well. Matter of fact, I think ASOP is much better than DT's Fiction, and the way We Are The Void is shaping up, I think whatever In Flames puts out next may just top DT again, wether it's pop or heavy stuff. I just felt like with ASOP, that In Flames were 'into it' more than they've been in awhile, with the exception of the song Come Clarity, which would have fit way better on ASOP. And I hope that's the direction they stay in, I think they sound the strongest with that sound. The thing for me is 'strong', not just 'heavy'.
You know, I don't really see why everyone hates ASOP. I thought each and every song was great, something new to me (as I have never been able to enjoy a full In Flames album completely), and I felt like it was a very strong CD. I've always personally thought that In Flames was never good at being complex or super-intelligent, my favorite band Dark Tranquillity was always way better at that, plus they knew how to stay heavy as well. But even DT has done like 3 pop albums now in their career, and it doesn't hurt for In Flames to do them as well. Matter of fact, I think ASOP is much better than DT's Fiction, and the way We Are The Void is shaping up, I think whatever In Flames puts out next may just top DT again, wether it's pop or heavy stuff. I just felt like with ASOP, that In Flames were 'into it' more than they've been in awhile, with the exception of the song Come Clarity, which would have fit way better on ASOP. And I hope that's the direction they stay in, I think they sound the strongest with that sound. The thing for me is 'strong', not just 'heavy'.
I perfectly agree with you. I don't feel there is a filler song in ASOP cd. I know many people hates The Chosen Pessimist but I think it's an really epic, the song builds up and the last minutes is awesome. My first listens of the song was that it was bad and to cheesy, but then I got into it more and I now love it. About the killer and filler. I do not hate any song on ASOP really. For example, On other albums there is some songs that I NEVER listen to at all, for example dreamscape & wayfarer. Ofcourse this is just mine opinion, but I feel it was a pretty strong album unlike what some other people says.
And I really am looking forward to the next album, It's a shame it will atleast not come out before March 2011 =/
ASOP is okay, it's not as bad as Clayman which i hate. But my favortie album is whoracle and i need more of that epic shit from them...the chosen pessimist can suck a dick, i hate that song..and hate the emo cut yourself cry lyrics they're doing...
ASOP is okay, it's not as bad as Clayman which i hate. But my favortie album is whoracle and i need more of that epic shit from them...the chosen pessimist can suck a dick, i hate that song..and hate the emo cut yourself cry lyrics they're doing...
Hehe I respect your opinion, definitely, but I don't understand how you can not like Clayman? :O It sounds alot more like Whoracle than ASOP :P It's rare with people disliking Clayman but likes post-R2R.
ASOP is okay, it's not as bad as Clayman which i hate. But my favortie album is whoracle and i need more of that epic shit from them...the chosen pessimist can suck a dick, i hate that song..and hate the emo cut yourself cry lyrics they're doing...

If you don't like clayman, and you like ASOP over it, you are not human.
I perfectly agree with you. I don't feel there is a filler song in ASOP cd. I know many people hates The Chosen Pessimist but I think it's an really epic, the song builds up and the last minutes is awesome. My first listens of the song was that it was bad and to cheesy, but then I got into it more and I now love it. About the killer and filler. I do not hate any song on ASOP really. For example, On other albums there is some songs that I NEVER listen to at all, for example dreamscape & wayfarer. Ofcourse this is just mine opinion, but I feel it was a pretty strong album unlike what some other people says.
And I really am looking forward to the next album, It's a shame it will atleast not come out before March 2011 =/

How can you skip wayfarer that songs bad ass lots of nice harmonies.
Personally speaking, I can listen to every In Flames album beginning to end, with the exception of Come Clarity.
Personally speaking, I can listen to every In Flames album beginning to end, with the exception of Come Clarity.
Weird man :P While I love all of IF's albums, I definitely rank Come Clarity higher than ASOP. It was very aggressive sounding, and as they said theirself, it was a fuse between old & new style which brought back some Old fans, and ASOP wasn't as aggressive as Come Clarity. It's not only about aggression though. ASOP was more melodic, less death.
To me, Come Clarity just seemed very cookie cutter. While technically is good, it sounded like going through the motions to me. Granted, I really do dig the first half of the album. Not to mention, Your Bedtime Story Is Scaring Everyone was a great idea.
To me, Come Clarity just seemed very cookie cutter. While technically is good, it sounded like going through the motions to me. Granted, I really do dig the first half of the album. Not to mention, Your Bedtime Story Is Scaring Everyone was a great idea.
Yeah..I do like Bedtime Story aswell, it has this weird sounds and stuff, but I definitely like it. Everytime time they do ''ballads'' people will ofcourse bash just for the sake of bashing. What people needs to understand is that this is not their band, and they have no control over which new direction the band is taking or anything. That's most peoples problem, they act as if it's their own band.
Come clarity is a good album IMO it just had some bad filler type songs. Like scream, and the like Erik Erna said the second half is weak with the exception of crawl through knives and vanishing light.
Come clarity is a good album IMO it just had some bad filler type songs. Like scream, and the like Erik Erna said the second half is weak with the exception of crawl through knives and vanishing light.
Don't understand that about the second half tbh, I mean Vacuum is awesome, Pacing Death's Trail is too..Though I agree that Versus Terminus & Our Infinite Struggle is the songs that I raaaaarely listen too, Scream is definitely okay.
The second half the album is alright, but seems to have more filler or lack of flow than the first part. I still don't understand Scream though, its not even good for a hit type of song. Perhaps a good idea, turned sour. Much like in punk, the use of multi-person chanting, but didn't work for In Flames.
Possibly a D-beat influence. It's a huge scene in Sweden.
Yeah and also, all members in IF have WIIIIIIDE music I'm sure they end up getting influenced in from various genres, even though they might not want too. Anyways about the Next Album, I know one thing for sure, it will definitely be a masterpiece as Anders said, atleast in my eyes.
I may be the only person to say this, but it being like Reroute To Remain would not be a bad thing. In Flames has a tendency for their albums to have "metal hits", and from top to bottom R2R was full of singles that do not get boring after a couple of spins.