I doubt it cause they're really into what they do and it doesn't seem like they're getting tired of it, though they do need a break.
Not into clayman? wtfI honestly hate MOST of the material from Clayman on....up until Come Clarity which i like..and idk but after a couple hundred listens to ASOP i actually grew to like that as well...but i cant get into clay man or R2R...i've gotten into STTYE a few times...but nothing in life beats whoracle.
I honestly think The Jester Race and R2R are their best albums...
And I have a real real real soft spot for Lunar Strain and Subterranean.
Oh okay I understand what your saying and where you coming from. One of my biggest problems I have with that album is the production I hate it, the songs sound awesome live but I hate the way that album sounds.R2R was like an experiment gone terribly right. I mean, honestly the guitars aren't as unrelenting as Colony or anything, but are still very melodic in every sense. This was probably Anders' best clean performance, except maybe the Passenger album. Not to mention, for good or ill, every track on this album could have been a single, or a "metal hit" if you will.
Its also very emotional, and I thought something very fresh and original. Though R2R may have marked the beginning of the screaming verse, clean chorus approach in metal, or at least the starting point for it to come in bulk.
I think as bad as American metalcore is, R2R is the underlying theme of that movement. That is bad, but R2R was amazing.
the production sounds a little muddy and not as crisp, and is horrible when compared to clayman's production, but at least the guitar tone is better than STYE's.
STYE has a gross guitar tone.
Yeah STYE has the worst tone of all their albums, I dislike it more than ASOP.
I think the ASOP tone sounds soft because they took out that overdrive pedal to boost the amp in the studio diary videos.