Aha! so mystery solved? That was Merciless Desecration?Neptune’s Spear
“This was written about a year before we went into the studio – it was left over from the Dark Roots Of Earth sessions. But I had never written any lyrics to it. So when we wrote it, it was around the time we went and got Osama Bin Laden. It was Seal Team Six, and the mission was called Neptune’s Spear. So it’s about that team getting their Intel together and, you know, one shot kill.”
I guess so,but Merciless Desecration is an awesome name for a song!Aha! so mystery solved? That was Merciless Desecration?
Hell yeah day off!! Do you think Newbury will have a different version than best buy?Yes,the agony has finally ended!I am very fortunate to have the day off tomorrow so I'll be @ Newbury's first thing in the morningSoak it in,and enjoy my friend!!!
Hey cool! thanks for the heads up!... I'm not sure those bonus are enough for me to get it. Except that I really don't want a digiNeptune's Spear is probably my favorite track FWIW
P.S. Japan has 2 bonus tracks:
11 Apocalyptic City (Re-Recorded Version)
12 Brotherhood Of The Snake (Alternative Mix)
Yeah I know Newbury's does kinda blow,and it will probably be a digi!But there also might be a jewel case too.As far as the jap version goes pretty cool,but just about what I expected.Hell yeah day off!! Do you think Newbury will have a different version than best buy?
Man the Newbury site blows! Neither Testament or Testament with the album titled showed up the their search
Newbury might have a jewel case?.. eh. I'm not going in the mall lol
If they had only made that bonus track Reign Of Terror I would have been sold!!