Next Testament CD

Lol! thanks Neptune! I slept all day. Glad you're on top of things!

They gave you the wrong stuff?


Was that from Nuclear Blast?I'm sure they'll make it right!

I sent an email. The splatter's been sold out for a while so we'll see. What they sent me costs more than what I ordered, but I actually want to listen to the vinyl. Pic discs have terrible sound quality for the most part, so I don't want it.
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I sent an email. The splatter's been sold out for a while so we'll see. What they sent me costs more than what I ordered, but I actually want to listen to the vinyl. Pic discs have terrible sound quality for the most part, so I don't want it.
Yeah who cares about the cost difference if it's not what you wanted right? lol They should have some copies put away in case of things like that.
At least that's been my experience so far.Man that sucks. this happens to me a lot.
Hey everybody. Checking in after a longer break just to say I'm super happy with how the new album sounds like. It's strong, fast and intentse, but retains a great load of melody and musicianship. It's really ripping and I'm very excited to hear them exploring new grounds, going new places once again, but of course without losing their signature sound.

Yeah, this time "organic" really meant something and you can hear it. The sound is drier for the lack of a better word. And Chuck is king. I love how his voice sounds more natural and less processed, plus some of the vocal melodies are amazing and definitely unobvious. For this moment, after several spins my favourite part could be how he begins to sing the verses in Pale King, but there are lots of other moments of greatness.

Oh, and this one is definitely an album that has to be viewed as a whole, not as a bunch of individual songs. The Gathering lovers surely appreciate that.

BTW, I hope everyone's fine and enjoying the new stuff big time. Cheers guys!
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I was just going to start harassing you oneman! lol! I agree with you man! Much more organic sounding. I'm not completely sure about Black Jack yet, I love the music and the vocal melody but I'm having a little trouble getting into a song about gambling. it doesn't seem to fit in very well subject wise. But I'm loving the off sounding stuff, those are the kind of things that hook me.
How about a song about hemp? :) I stopped paying attention to lyrics a long time ago. Most of them are far from poetry or even logic, but as long as they're not blatantly stupid, offensive or annoying, I can live with them. But, yeah, I hear you. The album's convention is about snakes, aliens and secret societies and all of the sudden you get a casino song that ain't no "Chicken and Corn" or "Sudden Death" kind of a joke. I don't mind but can imagine how it can spoil the atmosphere for someone. Oh well, the fact we're even discussing this "fault" shows how flawless this album really is.
Well lol I've known Chuck smoked for years so I half expect it at some point, But a song about cards? I'm just not sure, and yes it kind of breaks the flow for me, but damn I do love the music and vocal melodies (it's stuck in my head right now) so I have to give it a pass :)
I notice that Zetro isn't listed in the creds for lyrics. I wonder what happened?
You would think that when they bring up the collaboration in interviews,that there would definitely be a nod in the credits for sure!
Maybe it's a mistake? lol The last Megadeth had a bunch in the first pressing. Man that solo in Neptunes Spear is great. that must be the solo Alex said he was really proud of? I love classical scales and stuff on electric. I'll take that over string bending any day lol