Next Testament CD

It was good for "the scene" to see them all together but that's about it. I hope it did help sell some records for the other bands, but it's hard to tell. I wish the big 4 tour would've been expaned so that more people could've seen it. Maybe it'll still happen.
I don't think this has been posted here yet. It's Chuck and Alex with Nikki Blakk just before the release of the album. I like interviews with such vibe, where everybody knows each other well, is laid back and has the time to talk whatever they want, joke and not try to be somebody else.

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You know, some people do consider Zeppelin metal, I don't but I guess I can see it. Aerosmith on the other hand, no freakin' way.
I know some people do.Some people say ACDC is metal or punk.Oh and warrent.People who listen to really wimpy music ,and I guess to them it does sound metal.But that doesn't make it so.
Just to even say I know metal because I took a class! That's one of the most unmetal things I've ever heard LOL!
Oh she was also was arguing saying all the 80's hard rock bands were metal.I asked her what her favorite metal was and she said Black metal.I said oh,who do you like the most? She couldn't name one band.God Vh1 and Mtv have done their brainwashing well over the last 20 years.
Yeah, the whole hard rock vs metal thing. It's kind of a fine line I suppose for some bands but if it's "hard rock" it's not metal. I never considered motley crue or van halen metal. Iron Maiden and Judas Priest are metal but I wouldn't call them hard rock. Depends on who you talk to, but that girl is delusional. It's probably not worth discussing it with her, she thinks she alreadys knows what it is.
Here's an interview with Alex from 2 months back. He sheds some light on the writing process:

As a bonus, here are some interviews from between 1989 and 1994. Most of them followed the releases of the respective albums. I'd only seen 2 of them before, so it was great to watch them now. Hope you enjoy:

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