Next Testament CD

Gosh oneman. A simple your full of shit would have sufficed lol

Ok, I'll try to remember next time :lol:

As for the rest - yeah, I'll agree heavier on D and TG tours, but that's because they were promoting their 2 heaviest records then. After a couple of years later they naturally dropped any D and TG song they thought was not a classic in the fans' eyes and brought back the "old school" stuff.

As to who's to blame - I lean towards what anonymus said. Chuck always used to have problems with lyrics to songs they don't play on every show. Alex, in turn, surely has no problem re-learining anything and seems to me like the guy who'd get bored of doing the same stuff over and over again. But, yeah, who knows...

All in all it's just a shame. We are the die hards saying mix it up!

In this new interview Chuck touches the subject a little:

For us, I think that going back and revisiting the older songs will be great because we have not done some of those songs in such a long time. You get to relearn, refresh, and replay them; it takes you back in time and brings back great memories. It is fun and enjoyable. It also may be the last time we do this because every time we start talking about doing a “special record” show we start making it bigger and bigger because of all the other records that we have out there. There are so many new fans that have found the band and that really have discovered us. Then we also have the fans that have been coming to the shows for years and they bring their kids to check out what they were into. I think we will get a lot of those die-hards that come out and bring the family out to see the show and introduce them to this music because, for them, it is their idea of classic.
Well I'd love to know where they get their info on the fans from...because it sure as hell ain't here! lol

Yeah I remember Chuck reading off the prompter,i just put it off as being brand new.was the album even out yet when that happened?
As for the older stuff, how hard can it be to learn your own lyrics?! Shit I know them all! LOL
As for the older stuff, how hard can it be to learn your own lyrics?! Shit I know them all! LOL

LOL, me too. To do him justice, though, we must add that some of the old lyrics were written by other people, Zet included. Not that it changes much. Maybe Chuck just doesn't like his own music as much as we do. :lol:
I thought redfly was asking if Zet sang something with Testament and/or Chuck with Exodus. But I admit I'm pretty tired so I might have misunderstood him.