Next Testament CD

And I missed that show a couple of day ago for no real reason... Heard DTA was amazing. Steve and Gene are the best rhythm section in metal, no doubt about that.
Oh too bad oneman! Yeah I would be hard pressed to think of another rhythm section that baddass. Although, Frank And Charlie from Anthrax are pretty badass themselves.
Figured it was delayed with the new tour.

Stop touring dammit. Even though I finally get to see them again after three years.
God. Next year maybe for the new album?!!

That's a bummer. Although we could have expected that given the hitherto experience, couldn't we?

Stop touring dammit.

My first thoughts, exactly. Even if bands live off touring mostly. On the other hand, if tour bus and stage are the only places where the band can get together and jam on the new stuff, maybe there is no other way to get the record done.
I don't mind the wait. I actually think Testament has the right formula. Release a very solid album and then tour in support of the album for 3 to 4 years before the next album is released. I'd rather the band takes their time and releases something epic. I really don't understand these bands that pump albums out every 1 to 2 years. The albums become quickly forgettable when that happens.

Give us 8 to 10 quality songs every four years and keep touring. I'll take it!
I understand your point. But man I think the best metal albums ever done have been(mostly) 1-2 years apart. as far as not being able to jam together I think that at this point in their career ( no one is getting younger )that they need to decide which Testament they want to be. Because they keep getting bigger.I think it's time for everyone to make Testament their first priority.
". Also we’re doing the first three records so we’re kind of going back in time revisiting just that period of our career when we were really on fire. I like musically what we’re doing a lot better but there’s something about the older stuff and we just decided that would be cool try to piece in-between this record to do something different. It’s something that we’re not going to do all the time. It’s definitely something to check out."

How can he even say that? lol They may not play them front to back. But they play a lot of those songs all the time.
Yeah, they've already toured The Legacy + The New Order in full before, and they play a significant chunk of those tracks every show anyway.
Yeah,I just don't get it myself.They really need to start challenging themselves a little bit more:erk: