Next Testament CD

Yeah,I would love it if they finished the album first.Although touring is where the money's at nowadays.
A new album comes by mid-year. Sometimes it doesn’t go according to the plan but I think this is gonna happen.

This brings some hope, as Alex normally doesn't speak idly so to say. However, this had been said back in December and things could have changed since then.
As much as that sounds cool,I think it's been done to death.Now LOW and onward era is what they OWE YOU:hotjump:
At last some news about this possible tour. I just don't get the long wait to officially make it public though. Most tour announcements give fans at minimum 3 to 4 months lead time. This tour is supposedly starting in 8 weeks and it's still not announced. Is that realistically enough time to get the word out?

All of The Legacy & The New Order, plus songs off Practice
No Montreal date...that totally sucks considering they didn't come to Montreal for the first Dark Roots of Thrash tour.
That's what I thought,not that these other new wave of thrash bands are reinventing the wheel,but why not bring out HATCHET or HAVOK!
They need to bring Sylosis out on tour. They are outstanding. I can't stop listening to their last two albums.

As for Shattered Sun, they are good musicians but IMO they don't fit this bill. Any other band would have made more sense. Revocation would have been killer.