NFL 2016

Seems that people really like our trade up in the 2nd round for the Bama ILB, guess we'll see if the D actually shows up this year.

No offensive linesman in the first 3 makes me sad though
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I have no excitement for this season, other than seeing the d-line play. This basically a "wait and let Wentz get up to speed" season. It's a lose-lose. If we suck, we don't get the benefit of seeing Wentz develop and we don't get the high pick. If we're good enough to make the playoffs, we know that the QB who got us there will likely be shipped off in 2017, meaning we will probably take a step back.

I mean, it's all worth it IF Wentz turns out to be an elite QB, but in the short run, it sure makes football less exciting,
If I were an Eagles fan, unless Pederson works some sort of magic, I'd want to do as poorly as possible this year to set up next year.
If I were an Eagles fan, unless Pederson works some sort of magic, I'd want to do as poorly as possible this year to set up next year.

I'm not sure how that would help, since we don't have a 1st round pick.

If Bradford plays well we'll trade him, if Bradford plays poorly we'll cut him. I don't think we'd get much in a trade for him, but Bradford playing well is the slightly better outcome. Either way, Wentz is starting next year. This year is basically inconsequential.

That said, I don't want to see the rest of our roster looking like crap. The D has talent and should keep us in games. There's a derth of weapons on offense though, so I doubt we go far. That said, it's still an awful division.
I think that as long as Romo stays upright and there aren't an absolute slew of other injuries *knock on wood*, Dallas should regain 2014 offensive form but with a somewhat improved defense. Washington should contend.
Man, PFT is rolling in the headlines today.

Dennis Green is dead. Watt may have a herniated disc. Leveon Bell potentially suspended 4 weeks for missing a drug test. Ezekiel Elliot accused of DV.