NFL playoffs


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Anyone's team(s) in this shit? My Dolphins had a buy season this year, so I'm rooting for the Patriots (mom's team) and the Steelers. I still can't bring myself to like the Rams, even though they were my favorite team for many years when they were in Los Angeles.
I'm so damn tired of the Patriots, but I don't really care.

Football is merely a minor sports fix for me until baseball season starts.
Fuck you J. GO MOTHERFUCKING PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was pretty surre that the STeelers were gonna lose tonight but was let down by Doug Brien.

I was going to make a NFL thread here but was hesitant as I didnt think many would respond.



And Again...Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Baseball

and for my own sake...LET'S GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck the Pats. They are so fucking boring to watch. Tom Brady's whole game plan is to dump the ball a mere 5-8 yards on every pass. BORING! Be a fucking man and throw the ball 20-30 yards.

Baseball is only appreciated by those who truly understand the sport and it's need for patience. Arrogant, probably, but fact.

I like football, but I have to care about one of the teams, which isn't the case with baseball. Basketball pretty much blows all around.
Mothermotherfuck, mothermotherfuckfuck the Jets, I'm glad they lost. Although:

Dolphins > other NFL teams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jets >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I love to watch the Patriots. Brady is just plain solid, and watching him toss 140 yard NON-bomb passes is amazing.
J. said:
Fuck the Pats. They are so fucking boring to watch. Tom Brady's whole game plan is to dump the ball a mere 5-8 yards on every pass. BORING! Be a fucking man and throw the ball 20-30 yards.

That's complete fucking bullshit. Don't act like you watch them every week dude. lol He goes for the long ball A LOT, out of nowhere. Where the fuck have you been kneegrow?!
Doomcifer said:
That's complete fucking bullshit. Don't act like you watch them every week dude. lol He goes for the long ball A LOT, out of nowhere. Where the fuck have you been kneegrow?!
I never watch him (but I'll watch the game tomorrow if I'm bored), but I'm basing this entirely on last year's SuperBowl where he was the definition of Boring Quarterback, while that other dude was scrambling and throwing 40 yard passes and making the game more fun to watch than the commercials.
J. said:
making the game more fun to watch than the commercials.
I have not been pleased over the past few years, nobody has even come close to beating E-trade's commercials from several years ago. The clapping monkey and the "money out the wazoo" commercials were just BRILLIANT!
J. said:
I never watch him (but I'll watch the game tomorrow if I'm bored), but I'm basing this entirely on last year's SuperBowl where he was the definition of Boring Quarterback, while that other dude was scrambling and throwing 40 yard passes and making the game more fun to watch than the commercials.

SO you're basing your opinioon off of ONE game. :err: Also, a flamboyant QB does not produce Super Bowls rings; a smart QB does.

A fan of baseball talking about excitement on the field?!?! Oh, the irony! :loco:
Doomcifer said:
A fan of baseball talking about excitement on the field?!?! Oh, the irony! :loco:

I've watched quite a bit of baseball in the past few years, for me. That means like 15 games in two seasons.
Again, baseball is a game of precision, physics (moreso than any other sport) and yes, patience. If you don't get it, I pity you.

I find football somewhat boring. Give the ball to the running back, he gains three yards; repeat; QB throws for 8-10 yards; running back for 3; repeat till we reach enzone.

Are you honestly going to tell me the ALCS was boring?????
Dude, I understand everything you are syaing and I also agree, but in football there is ACTION, HITS, baseball, not much action, much suspense. It is a toally different form of entertainment.
Well the superbowl is really today with the Pats v Colts. Easily the best two teams. Pittsburgh looked awful yesterday.

Personally I like the colts to win it all, and I base this on the play of my beloved Bungles, who should have beat both the Patriots and the Steelers.

I still like Baseball more than football--most likely cuz I was a baseball player.

Best sport to see live; hockey-especially a D1 college rivalry game.
Football is great on TV, if its a close game. But, football is too damn complex and legalistic; after a while, it becomes big black guys hitting other big black guys with guys in stripes throwing flags to stop the carnage.

Baseball is more about simple strategies, which are far easier to dissect. Especially if you have played alot of baseball.

Now hockey is the greatest of them all: simple, violent, fluid, and beautiful. It just sucks on TV.
I guess we are the only football fans doomcifer.

usually defenses win, but peyton manning the last 6 weeks is unstoppable. He can read thw defense so well, and call a different play. They have 5 targets, Wayne, Stokely, Harrison, Dallas Clarke, and James. How can you cover all 5 and the best quarterback ever this year?

I agree the colts have no defense, their offense is their defense. Minnesota doesnt either.

The pats have a really depleted secondary. I'd root for them but they have won alot lately. But now they have Dillon-- who is an angry black man, and has been the best pure running back (running only) for 5 years, even with dreadful o lines, dreadful teams, and defenses that would know what play the bungles were calling before the snap.