NFL playoffs

I have to move a fridge and a couch, then I can watch angry black men try their best to kill one another, and maybe throw in 3 white guys and a Samoan as well.
The pats have been playing with a depleted secondary and hurt defense all year and still managed to be in the top 3 in each defensive category. They always come up with the big plays and find a way, not to mention how fucking ooportunistic they are. We'll see.
yeah I guess they won another super bowl. Its hard not liking them, but jesus New England is getting spoiled with sports. Dillon looked damn good.
That was a fun game to watch, but in the closing minute I was hoping for Manning to get at least one touchdown pass. "And it's picked off!!!" Too bad.
J. said:
Fuck the Pats. They are so fucking boring to watch. Tom Brady's whole game plan is to dump the ball a mere 5-8 yards on every pass. BORING! Be a fucking man and throw the ball 20-30 yards.

Baseball is only appreciated by those who truly understand the sport and it's need for patience. Arrogant, probably, but fact.

This made me laugh.

Anyway, football is without a doubt my favorite sport, has been my entire life. I'm going for the Steelers as they've been my 2nd favorite team behind the Raiders for years. They'll have a tough matchup on their hands, and as much as I despise the Patriots, I have to admit they are a solid team.

I think this AFC Championship is going to be huge, the NFC hasn't shown me much this year, so the winner of this has a huge chance at winning it all. I expect the Eagles to overcome their woes and finally get in. Vick is explosive, but he's just a running back playing quarterback and the way the Eagles defense is playing, they should be able to contain him. Although all that pressure could backfire. I like the Falcons defense, but I'm not sure they are as solid all around. I'm going for an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl, so we'll see how it goes, hopefully the Steelers can take it all, as long as Roethlisberger doesn't play like a rookie again.

"I just want to thank my hands for being so great."-Freddie Mitchell with the quote of the day.

Also, speaking of football, how many people have Madden 2005? This franchise gives football freaks like me one hell of a good time. It's really in-depth when you go into Franchise mode. If playing wasn't so damn fun, I'd just sim everything and work as a GM.
Tecmo Bowl for NES ruled. Mike Singletary all fucking day haha. Then Super Tecmo Bowl for NES came out and it was all over. Greatest sports game ever. Jerry Rice would catch ANYTHING, even in triple coverage. LT would just run around the entire O Line lmao.

Pittsburgh is going to be tough. They remind me of the Pats in that they are really tough and just find ways to win. Although they have been playing like shit and are lucky to be where they are right now and on a 15 game W streak. My pick for the Super Bowl goes to Pats V. Falcons.

That Mitchell quote is fucking ridiculous. I hope he gets hurt next game.
as a native of the Boston area, I am really basking in the glow of glory lately :)

I was really surprised at how easily the Pats handled the Colts but those wimpy dome teams always fold when faced with real weather. The Steelers are going to be a real test.

hey Speed, Dillon has been the best ever trade for a 2nd round pick. he was exactly what the Pats needed...but the Bengals needed him gone so what can you do...
lizard said:
hey Speed, Dillon has been the best ever trade for a 2nd round pick. he was exactly what the Pats needed...but the Bengals needed him gone so what can you do...

There was some brief talk that the Raiders were interested in him, they could certainly use a franchise back and surely could have made a decent offer. I guess it shouldn't surprise me though, considering they traded JERRY FUCKING RICE for a 7th round pick. Retarded.
Oh I dont mind the trade at all. Im glad he had the opportunity somewher else.

We got madieu williams with that pick, and he started 11 or 12 games at DB and did a pretty good job. Dillon was far from happy with Cinci, he would just quit halfway into the game--which we would always be losing. But man a few years ago, if he got any run blocking, he was ridiculous, and this was with a team that would win 2 or 3 games a year, and couldnt run after the 1st quarter. I know he did have the rookie single game record, and he had the single game record until Jamal lewis beat it last year. Still, he is the strongest running back I have ever seen. And it is good to see the Media finally showering him with the praise he deserved for 7 years

Nad's favourite cartoon
I have a friend that references that all the time. He'll start saying something like "hey that's a nice jacket, looks good on you" to me, stumble, and just yell "SPOOOOOOORTTTTSS!!!" haha