NHL kicks off in Prague

Better idea than last year at least when it kicked off in London, they have a huge interest for hockey there.
I think in a few years there'll be an European division in NHL.
So far it's kinda boring. I'll go to a pub for the third period to help it a little.
Better idea than last year at least when it kicked off in London, they have a huge interest for hockey there.
I think in a few years there'll be an European division in NHL.

That would be stupid. They would have to extend the season by a month or so, just so teams would have a chance to recover from such a long trip to play each other. They're talking about this in the NBA too, and it's just a dumb idea.
I'm thinking reduce the North American teams with 10 and replace with 10 European teams. And when teams play overseas they could play 5-6 matches in a row there before returning. And they wouldn't have to play eachother that often during ordinary season, say two times overseas per season. Lets face it, if NHL is gonna be able to keep it's status as best leauge in the world something like this will have to be done sooner or later, as more and more players choose the Russian leauge right now.
I'm thinking reduce the North American teams with 10 and replace with 10 European teams. And when teams play overseas they could play 5-6 matches in a row there before returning. And they wouldn't have to play eachother that often during ordinary season, say two times overseas per season. Lets face it, if NHL is gonna be able to keep it's status as best leauge in the world something like this will have to be done sooner or later, as more and more players choose the Russian leauge right now.

They can't just cut the amount of teams to 10... A lot of these teams have contracts with the cities. The players wouldn't like it either, considering they're forced to make a trip away from their family for 3-4 weeks. Not to mention that the home team would have an almost insurmountable home ice advantage.
Well, something that's stupid about the NHL today is that it's a closed leauge, no team can drop out by placing last. That would be a better solution, giving clubs in the leauges under a chance to advance.
the better answer is for europe to have a major league of their own. do they have one? i imagine at least russia has a league.
Well, something that's stupid about the NHL today is that it's a closed leauge, no team can drop out by placing last. That would be a better solution, giving clubs in the leauges under a chance to advance.

That's not how it works.
NINJA'D in reference to matt's comment about regulation style leagues

it should though. thats how it works for soccer leagues all over europe. its very affective once you get below the 3 or 4 big money clubs
i'm glad it's hockey time again. as much as i love football, this is the best time of year coming up, where all 4 of the major american sports are on at once. my team is the Capitals, and i predict they will at least make it past the first round of the playoffs this year. :D Ovechkin is godly. and Theodore should be a big help in net.

but who will dethrone Detroit?