Nick Crow 8505 Lead - Guitar Amp VST plug-in

That's a secret... and if he tells you it's not gonna be a secret anymore.


Hi LePou

I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find the "secret". I'm not saying I could make an amp sim (programming isn't my bag), but certainly find out how it's done having come from a microelectronics background.
I am using SPICE-simulation. Most importantly -optimization. We need to determine which parameters are important and which are not important in a particular scheme, but for this you need to have a great experience.

I assume this optimisation would be essential for the plugin to run without taking up to much processing power?


Thanks Erik... that was great man, I will be using this to compare my tones with, even if I might not aim for that scooped sound but it's still awesome. Scooped leaves some room for other things in the mix though... might be a good thing to keep the mids down a bit like you did there, I think my music will require that.

The distortion is really sharp and nice, not harsh but sharp, I love it. You didn't spike up any mids in an EQ before the amp sims, to bring out any djent, did you? Also, what mic are you using in the bridge (I assume you played from the bridge mic :)).

My biggest problem so far has been kinda harsh high-end on my guitar sound, but I've had some success with DIG 2.0 and Steinberg's Warp actually, but I haven't played around enough with either SoloC, 7170 or the new 8505 yet, so I still have some hope. Using the SoloC instead of TSS seems like a fun idea as well, I will definately try it.
Nah, it's played like ass, lots of cuts and punch-ins... It's all about studio tricks :lol:
I'm glad you like the tone. I don't like it 100%, because it's too scooped and I love middy fat tones, but this is the only thing that seems to fit my mixes with all the orchestra...
I didn't EQ before the amp, however, I used the crunch channel on the SoloC, so it's already running it's tonestack (left neutral), so it tends to cut some mids and add some highs.

For this test I'm using my old Ibanez SA, EMG85 in fixed bridge (that does a HELL of a difference, palm mutes are much better than my Floyd Rose in the Caparison). Old strings, bad setup...

I still hear it harsh for my taste, maybe I'll try to add some preamp emulator after the IR to emulate a good pre, because it sounds to me like a mic'd amp but with bad conversors in the mixing desk...
I am using SPICE-simulation. Most importantly -optimization. We need to determine which parameters are important and which are not important in a particular scheme, but for this you need to have a great experience.

Spice like Pspice ? Cause I was formed on this, last year, in my engineer school. But I still have a poor experience in analogic electricity, I mean, I was trained for synthesis electronics.
I didn't EQ before the amp, however, I used the crunch channel on the SoloC, so it's already running it's tonestack (left neutral), so it tends to cut some mids and add some highs.

That's strange... it really sounds like you have boosted the mids a lot before the amp, then cut it away post amp. It has that response of a pre amp EQ with lots of mids... kinda djenty, metallic :p Maybe the SoloC adds some of that metallic djentiness... or maybe it comes from your guitar, I have no clue.

Anyhow, I agree it's quite scooped but once vocals come in, I'm not sure if a mid-heavy tone would work. That song with vocals would sound pretty good if you ask me!
female vocals, no growls, would be very cool I think :) I don't know what she sounds like but maybe there might be room for slightly more mids in the guitars if there's no excessive growling and shit going on. I'm sure you know better than me :D Post the song when it's done!
Thank you so much for this Nick, this sim blew all the sims i tried out of the window! This thing sounds the best out of the box and also best when fiddled with. Revalver didnt sound right to me and I liked wagner sharp but it didnt have tone characteristics i was looking all the time in amp sims. This one got it all, straight out of the box!
Thank you so much for doing this for free, I would donate but I'm just a poor student and reaper+some vsts for mixing broke me :(