Nick Drake: Five leaves left

metal_wrath said:
Haha, good one. :rolleyes:

You haven't heard Witchcraft? That statement speaks for itself. Your ignorance is self-pwning.

bitch please, like you can call ANYONE else "ignorant. The only reason youve heard witchcraft is because of its heavy metal ties. you probably stumbled across them by mistake looking for thy serpent albums. stfu
NineFeetUnderground said:
bitch please, like you can call ANYONE else "ignorant. The only reason youve heard witchcraft is because of its heavy metal ties. you probably stumbled across them by mistake looking for thy serpent albums. stfu

Oh geez... Ban this guy^, please!

Just because someone don't know of all metalbands it doesn't automatically
mean that he's ignorant. To be ignorant is to have no, or very little
knowledge about a certain thing.

So please... Before you use that word - learn what it means you dim-witted,
semi-literate, narcissistic prick.
Benighted Joe said:
Oh geez... Ban this guy^, please!

Just because someone don't know of all metalbands it doesn't automatically
mean that he's ignorant. To be ignorant is to have no, or very little
knowledge about a certain thing.

So please... Before you use that word - learn what it means you dim-witted,
semi-literate, narcissistic prick.

ban me because i called metal wrath ignorant? i think hes proven here on plenty of occasions that he is indeed quite ignorant about most everything he attempts to speak about. not to mention he was slandering anyone who listens to anything outside of his little box of what he thinks is acceptable music listening of heavy metal bands. yet where was your shiny cape and bold words then dipshit?

why do you have such a knack for talking out of your ass and making such bold comments when you really have NO idea what/who youre talking about. please sit down and play with yourself instead of challenging me, itll be more productive for you.

edit: besides, i have diplomatic immunity here anyway. or did you not get the memo?
nfu i have give you kudos for taking time and pwning each and every one of the dipshits on this board which represent about 75% of the UM population
NineFeetUnderground said:
bitch please, like you can call ANYONE else "ignorant. The only reason youve heard witchcraft is because of its heavy metal ties. you probably stumbled across them by mistake looking for thy serpent albums. stfu
Now that was a nonsensical argument.

Coming from a COLDPLAY fan. lol
wtf how would you run into Witchcraft when looking for Thy Serpent.

ones in the T section the other's a W....completely different areas of the album racks
NineFeetUnderground said:
what does coldplay have to do with the major cock-shaped ownage i was slapping your face with?
what does Thy Serpent have to do with the pwnage given to Id, which you decided to defend him against :lol:

And I found the Witchcraft video online, on youtube, while checking out new bands, Thy Serpent is probably not on that website FYI
metal_wrath said:
what does Thy Serpent have to do with the pwnage given to Id, which you decided to defend him against :lol:

And I found the Witchcraft video online, on youtube, while checking out new bands, Thy Serpent is probably not on that website FYI

youre missing the point entirely. "thy serpent" is a now a universally recognized symbol for your ignorance, stupidity and frankly...horrendous musical taste. thats the issue here.
NineFeetUnderground said:
youre missing the point entirely. "thy serpent" is a now a universally recognized symbol for your ignorance, stupidity and frankly...horrendous musical taste. thats the issue here.
Thy Serpent = ok progressive black metal band

Coldplay = self-proclaimed efeminate, mindless homoerotic homo-magnets queer musical homo-enigma