
hehe there was already a thread like that, i don't remember the name...

anyway if you like/are familiar with power metal, my name should be self explaining... otherwise, it's a Helloween Song (not song, Song) from The Keepers of the Seven Keys pt II
and yes i know the fucking tense is wrong! tell Michael Weikath, not me! hehe
Well, my nickname is a finnish name for a girl :p
...Not that it's my first name, but it's better than that... Who would want to be named as a nun anyways?? :rolleyes:
Hehehhehehe a bit of a long story... I play this game called "X-Com"... a turn-based tactical game where you defend the earth from aliens. Well in the sequel to X-Com, Terror From the Deep, it's much, much, much harder... and very easy to run outta ammo if you're not prepared. Luckily, in both of these games there's an weapon called the "stun rod"; it's like a high-tech cattle prod used to capture aliens alive for research purposes.

So what happened was one day I was in a particularly long and difficult mission... all of my soldier's fancy guns had run out of ammo, but the few aliens remaining still had plenty. So what I did was take this one guy who happened to have a stun rod on him and sweep through the entire city... using my other men as decoys, I kept sneaking up behind aliens and knocking em out cold until I completed the mission. I said to my brother, who was watching me, something like "noone can oppose the wrath of STUNLORD!". I immediately renamed him to Stunlord after that. From then on I always had a soldier on my squad named stunlord, who carried one of these rods.

For some reason I liked this name. Eventually I started using Stun instead of Stunlord, also for some unknown reason.
hope your female.... it would be wierd to have a guy named this ehehehehhe
okay stupid joke.... feel free to throw tomados at me now :lol:
I said where my name came from on the last thread that dealt with this, so in short it was a name that my gym teacher came up with for me based off of a poster I used while running for SGA and some dream he had where I was a Bible Church minister, and I liked the name so I used it.