Nicolas conspiracy thread

It's becoming more and more clear that noone would of accepted any method of showing the world he is dead. Any form of doing so could easily be faked, so why would it be real? -_-
I don't think it's easy to fake a picture Nicolas... Remember, there will be millions looking at in, including professional photoshoppers (if that's a thing lol), so no... Not possible to fake it
not possible to fake it? pffff ¬¬ why would they need photoshop? they just need a muslim dude with a huge bullet hole in the head and they have a lot of 'em in guantamo bay... you don't even need real people, remember the terror museum in Hostel? same crap, you don't need photoshop, just someone that can create such things and there are a lot of people that can do that.
no? haven't you seen hostel? there are many of those in lots of places around the world... anyways, alex nailed just in time, exactly what we all have been talking about lately :)

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I gotta say, that guy is fucking brilliant
20 people an average each year? And then go and kill hundreds of thousands because of that
He seriously has some good points
you know, I don't know if it's me but at times I think you're trying to make fun of me... a couple of days ago you said you don't waste your time watching this kinda stuff and now you're all like "oh my god that's so true"... dunno, the only reason I don't care it's because I really don't care who's with me here and who doesn't, I'll post it anyways :)
never heard alex saying people must fear terrorist but the opposite :) bernanke saying that not raising the debt ceiling will cause real chaos, that's fear mongering.
Everything Alex Jones does is based around striking fear into his audience dude. Whether its from 'terrorists' or not. He's right about the small amount of people that die annually from terrorism, but when one single event has high enough death tolls to account for multiple decades of that statistic...oh course it's something that will be continually addressed.
I think you don't get his point, the gov. makes such a big deal of this stuff but not of, for example, brown recluse spiders, you don't see killer spiders eradication programs, being them as letal and killing as many people than the supposed terrorist attacks, why's that? the gov. is using fear to control the population when there's no need to live in fear, people live with brown recluse spiders in their houses and they just deal with it, they don't ask someone else to put cameras and stuff to protect them from the spiders. Alex is telling people what are the threats, that doesn't makes him a fear monger, people must need there is a threat so they can prepare themselves in case of anything, and if you listen at what he says in his radio show, he talks mostly of stuff the govs. around the world seem to avoid, for example, japan's radioactivity, he said southern hemisphere shouldn't really worry about it, just keep an eye on imported things but the northern hemisphere must take care, that's not fear mongering, that's just the truth! obama said there's nothing to worry and that in japan everything was ok, two weeks after the earthquake, hundred of spontaneous cancer cases appeared all over japan ffs! to inform is and will be always a difficult job, much more if you do it properly, like alex does.
I think you don't get his point, the gov. makes such a big deal of this stuff but not of, for example, brown recluse spiders, you don't see killer spiders eradication programs, being them as letal and killing as many people than the supposed terrorist attacks, why's that? the gov. is using fear to control the population when there's no need to live in fear, people live with brown recluse spiders in their houses and they just deal with it, they don't ask someone else to put cameras and stuff to protect them from the spiders. Alex is telling people what are the threats, that doesn't makes him a fear monger, people must need there is a threat so they can prepare themselves in case of anything, and if you listen at what he says in his radio show, he talks mostly of stuff the govs. around the world seem to avoid, for example, japan's radioactivity, he said southern hemisphere shouldn't really worry about it, just keep an eye on imported things but the northern hemisphere must take care, that's not fear mongering, that's just the truth! obama said there's nothing to worry and that in japan everything was ok, two weeks after the earthquake, hundred of spontaneous cancer cases appeared all over japan ffs! to inform is and will be always a difficult job, much more if you do it properly, like alex does.

Hehe I knew exactly what he was saying, and to a certain extent it is true, but thats the problem, to a CERTAIN EXTENT it is true. And I have listened to his radio show, it is fear mongering at its finest, he goes on rants SHOUTING about secret regimes made to destroy the people, poison the water for mind control purposes, etc etc etc...he would not be doing what he is doing if not for fear. When you need fear to operate, and you call out others fear mongering tactics it is nothing short of :lol:

He always has a direction to spout off about, and covers more terrain than any certified genius could with his resources(IE: he doesn't actually know about what he is talking about half the time, and 99% of the time he cites research that was done by people setting out to prove a point, in other words the last way you EVER do research for reliable results) and is a master of using half truths to spread fear and appease his sponsors. Wait what? The conspiracy theory master has to deal with sponsors for his civic duty? Wait what he generates more that 2 million US dollars a year in profit from all of this? Yeah i'm sure he is doing all of this for the good of the people and to rid of corruption. :Puke:
why wouldn't he make money of this? he must eat and also his family, is his work, would you say a musician is a sellout when he actually can live off his music? he has put every film he has done on youtube for free and with awesome quality (plus superb production), you can get a subscription to his sites and you can give your account number to 5 more friends so more people can look at it and you won't be banned and also he has now many people working for him, he's creating jobs even, it's not like he went to live in a private condominium... now, not doing research? seriously? the guy has been doing this for like 20 years and I have looked at his research several times, to say he doesn't know what he's talking about when he can shut up a FBI guy on his own field proves he has done his homework daily, or shutting up the security chief of an airport just by telling him truths about federal rights, would be cool if you can tell me what half truths... secret regimes? what's the secret really? were nazi germany or facist italy secret regimes? isn't china a regime right now? people say such things like it never happened so I would say regime, yes, secret, no... to poison the water? in like 90% of europe fluor is strictly forbidden and you drink it in the water! in chile people's slowly taking back the free-fluor water, you think he says it just because it's funny or to make money? dunno if you saw the vid I posted but to say he's spreading fear when he clearly says people must get rid of fear is like, nah, you just don't like the guy.
why wouldn't he make money of this? he must eat and also his family, is his work, would you say a musician is a sellout when he actually can live off his music? he has put every film he has done on youtube for free and with awesome quality (plus superb production), you can get a subscription to his sites and you can give your account number to 5 more friends so more people can look at it and you won't be banned and also he has now many people working for him, he's creating jobs even, it's not like he went to live in a private condominium... now, not doing research? seriously? the guy has been doing this for like 20 years and I have looked at his research several times, to say he doesn't know what he's talking about when he can shut up a FBI guy on his own field proves he has done his homework daily, or shutting up the security chief of an airport just by telling him truths about federal rights, would be cool if you can tell me what half truths... secret regimes? what's the secret really? were nazi germany or facist italy secret regimes? isn't china a regime right now? people say such things like it never happened so I would say regime, yes, secret, no... to poison the water? in like 90% of europe fluor is strictly forbidden and you drink it in the water! in chile people's slowly taking back the free-fluor water, you think he says it just because it's funny or to make money? dunno if you saw the vid I posted but to say he's spreading fear when he clearly says people must get rid of fear is like, nah, you just don't like the guy.

The specific 'poisoning the water' instance I was referring to was about the government putting psychiatric drugs in a large water supply to help them lobotomize the people. Two minutes later he ran an ad for a companies fresh, clean bottled water(which was even funnier because not two weeks earlier he was going on about the danger of the government putting things in our bottled water). If you can't see that as fear mongering to fulfill self serving ends then I pity the fact that you have lost yourself to the spin machine.

As far as his 'superior research' (like the sites briefly shown in that video? ehehehe...) goes to shutting an FBI agent don't EVER have to be in the right to win an argument. Master debaters can make anything appear to be fact, most of them end up using these 'skill's as a lawyer, politician or spin artist. Alex Jones is great with words and presentation. He doesn't need to be right.
yeah but go to youtube and look for the vids and tell me if he wasn't right with the FBI agent and the airport security and many others with people that did and some other that didn't go to the confrontation with him... and the water thing, would be cool if you get me the vid to see such thing, sounds quite too shameless for what I've seen of him... even then it's way over the line to say he's a fear monger, it still seems that you simply don't like him, spin machine or whatever, give me facts, what I have told you can be found in wikipedia even, all facts.
also, al qaeda, what do we know besides is an islamic terrorist group that deals nothing and hates us all to death in the western world... we know nothing, could be anyone pulling the strings, like what you can see on the movie Body Of Lies.