Nicolas conspiracy thread

yeah but go to youtube and look for the vids and tell me if he wasn't right with the FBI agent and the airport security and many others with people that did and some other that didn't go to the confrontation with him... and the water thing, would be cool if you get me the vid to see such thing, sounds quite too shameless for what I've seen of him... even then it's way over the line to say he's a fear monger, it still seems that you simply don't like him, spin machine or whatever, give me facts, what I have told you can be found in wikipedia even, all facts.

I heard it on his shoutcast on my phone, so no, I don't have a video, and yeah then I don't have evidence etc etc Bottom line, no, I don't like the guy. I don't like him because I gave the man my ear while I knew there were/are some very strong issues plaguing the government in my country / the world. What did I get? I got told a bunch of THEORIES based off of a random fact here or there, that spread to an extreme operating under the system of "If there is a possibility what we're told isn't true, then it for sure isn't true."

He is constantly going on about how our lives are being controlled by 'x' and 'x' and 'x'. He is constantly saying how if we don't do 'x' 'y' factor of d00m will ravage our lives further. I get it, you believe him, but even if 1% of what he says isn't true, these things make him a fear monger.

And that over 2 million in profit? Thats pure profit. Thats after employees are paid for saying what he wants them to say, gathering information he can spin and discarding information detrimental to his cause. That's after paying for his equipment and production costs. Thats a hell of a lot more than is needed to feed and clothe his family far past comfortably. And it all comes from using man kinds primal fear of being controlled by others to bring in the dough.

Why do I dislike him? Because there are severe issues that need to be addressed, but they can't be because the majority of people that 'know something is wrong' or are 'awake' have the fact's muddied by his murky waters because he is willing to twist it however he needs to in order to max out his revenue.

No, i'm not going to try and argue his 'fact's because doing so is the equivalent of arguing with a Christian about the validity of god only to have them pull the faith card. Conspiracy theorists operate under the assumption that if we can be lied to, we are always being lied to, and if we can be fucked, we're always being fucked.
alright this summer is gonna be quite interesting
more riots in Tunisia and coup d'etat after the other until the military wins and pwns everyone else.
more riots in the rest of the arab world. less tourism = more economic fuck ups
some bombings here and there by al qaida in europe, so the subways are gonna be quite fun in summer, full of entertainment.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the high light of 2011 will be bombarding the usa after ten years.
I'm quite excited tbh :)
still no facts, if you can't prove something you say then don't use it as an argument. I still don't see the problem of him getting a lot of money, if I get a job I will always try to earn more money, that doesn't makes him a bad person... funny you listened to him just for a short period and got the worst of him while I'm still at the point where I can trust him after listened to his radio show for quite a few years... and take the Christian comparison with you, the fact that I can argue with you better doesn't means I'm blinded by some weird devotion, I just deal with more information than you cause I'm obviously more interested in the subject, you're trying to discredit alex for some stuff you didn't like about him, I got that and I replied properly, if you say he's telling lies then show them to me, until then I have no reason to agree with you and until then I would say the theorist is you, cause I can give you the videos or the articles of everything I have said so far.
still no facts, if you can't prove something you say then don't use it as an argument. I still don't see the problem of him getting a lot of money, if I get a job I will always try to earn more money, that doesn't makes him a bad person... funny you listened to him just for a short period and got the worst of him while I'm still at the point where I can trust him after listened to his radio show for quite a few years... and take the Christian comparison with you, the fact that I can argue with you better doesn't means I'm blinded by some weird devotion, I just deal with more information than you cause I'm obviously more interested in the subject, you're trying to discredit alex for some stuff you didn't like about him, I got that and I replied properly, if you say he's telling lies then show them to me, until then I have no reason to agree with you and until then I would say the theorist is you, cause I can give you the videos or the articles of everything I have said so far.

:rolleyes: I didn't want to persuade you otherwise. The man's a joke, if you can't see that ...that is your deal, I'm not Alex Jones, I'm not going to sit here and conjure up BS to convince you he is, because I'm not getting paid to do so. I called him a fear monger, which by text book definition, he is. He lives off of fear, whether you believe it is rightfully so or not, it is the case.

The argument does fit quite well (in reference to the faith card) as you have conjured up nothing to prove he isn't a fear monger other than essentially saying "NU UH". However you certainly wouldn't argue what I said about him always telling people how they're being played as a puppet by so and so, and how so and so is crushing our society around us. Even if you are in agreement with him, this makes him a fear monger, like it or not.

The only thing you have proven thus far is that one random example that came to my mind was not something I witnessed while sitting in you tube, and I am too lazy to look up a video of something I heard in the past simply to have you say it doesn't apply. As I said, I'm not remotely interested in changing your opinion on the guy / matter as I am though convinced by your demeanor that NOTHING can short of time and experience.

Instead of defending him and going on and on about how you're dealing with facts(when in all reality the only fact you presented is there is a video out there of some guy winning an argument with an FBI agent) why don't you deal with facts and show everyone the nitty gritty details of why these different things are true, you known, with actual facts not just guesses or approximation games.

since you don't seem to be able to look for this yourself and do nothing but try to discredit me for whatever reason you might have by now, here's the vid... you want me to show proves when you don't even bother to look for what I tell you, give me a break, what's your argument at this point? the faith card thing? fear mongering isn't really what you're saying when the facts are actually true, in that case newspapers would be banned since they're supposed to tell the truth about world's daily issues and the world's daily issues are nothing but war, economic crisis and terrorism... I don't wanna persuade you of nothing since is up to you to be aware of what's around you but if you argue with me I'll answer of course.
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Your argument is that he is telling the truth, so let me paraphrase you "Don't use something as an argument if you're not wiling to prove it."

General consensus is that Alex is off his rocker. He is a fear monger. You are the one accepting the obscure and 'out there' as fact, so if your argument stems from thinking these things are true, be ready to back that up, otherwise in your ramblings you will have affectively done / proven nothing other than show that there is a video of a guy arguing with an FBI agent. Oh wait.
no! never said he is telling THE truth, I said for what I have heard of him I can trust him, he might be wrong in some stuff of course, can't be 100% sure ever, but I believe he believes what he says and you don't have real proves he's lying so it's ok if you don't like him, I told you that, but don't say he's lying when he has done a lot more to prove himself than you, so don't put words in my mouth... so far I have answered to everything you have said but you still don't say anything besides saying I'm a conspiracy theorist, I have been labeled like that before so I don't really care, still you don't give me facts but keep asking for them from my side.
:D nice nice
I do not participate in this thread because, as I do not speak English, anyway jew not understand me a shit :)
Hey look, a misinformed, fear mongering article on the Alex Jones channel.
stop being a bitch and grow some balls once and for all, if you see this as fear mongering when is actually true then fine, believe what you want, when hitler raised after being in jail, many people in england and even the USA said he was about to unleash war but nah, they were fear mongers according to most, then he started war by invading poland and even then no one believed he wanted to kill the jews, not even the jews, naaaah, that was just fear mongering, haha... if you see a sign in a house that says "beware of the dog" and the pic shows and angry pit bull, would you say is just fear mongering when there is actually a dog in there? you have the links there backing up all what he's saying, so fear mongering or not he has the facts and you don't, troll some more, at least I get to see more vids :)