Nicolas conspiracy thread

Why cant you ppl accept facts sometimes> People are getting so pathetic about all this.
Conspiracy theories are stupid, the sources are poor and often made up.
yeah, lets believe everything without questioning so we can all be as good as the serbian government, the very same one that made national savings private, pffffaaaahahahaha :)

talking about this, fb kept asking me, literally, if I have been near stockholm in the last 24 hours, last week, last month and such things, then, talking with some people that use this iphones, they said that after some trips outside the city, on their fb accounts the question changed for them to the city they visited, and without even posting anything or making phone calls when they were there, yet fb asked and yes, it updated by defect their location every couple of hours o_O
I honestly do not believe human ever walked the moon. The IMAX conspiracy documentary thingy gives heavy arrangements.

For starters, the space suits they were wearing were not enough to save them from cosmic radiations in the space, which was the reason Russians didn't send their people beyond the orbit. Besides if they really did it then why has it not been repeated in 40 odd years?
I am sort of at the "agnostic" standpoint in quite a few of these theories, but about the moon landings i'm quite certain they just fooled the world.
haha, I'm not that into Moon things yet that documentary was awesome and the full coloured moon was amazing, I don't talk that much about this stuff in parties cause when I go for it I just throw it all at once and people tend to walk away quite fast since I just debate and debate and debate :(

I honestly do not believe human ever walked the moon. The IMAX conspiracy documentary thingy gives heavy arrangements.

For starters, the space suits they were wearing were not enough to save them from cosmic radiations in the space, which was the reason Russians didn't send their people beyond the orbit. Besides if they really did it then why has it not been repeated in 40 odd years?

I'll check that documentary tonight! :)
yeah, lets believe everything without questioning so we can all be as good as the serbian government, the very same one that made national savings private, pffffaaaahahahaha :)

You are the one who believes in everything without questioning. Tons of theories without real leg to stand or a scientific evidence to give credibility.

Also about the serbian goverment thing. I guess you are talking about selling of Bank of national saving(?) which was a very good thing to do btw :)
selling national savings to private owners a good thing? wasn't serbia a part of yugoslavia? and yeah, lets do history, yugoslavia was a country that went bankrupt, its currency was devaluated and in just one day almost the whole population of the country became poor, with no national savings to back up its economy yugoslavia became the sick man of europe and it was literally war zone without having a war... serbia simply did not learn from its previous mistakes, greece had money saved and thanks to that it was able to be bailed out, without national savings you will have to sell your souls to the banks to be bailed out in case of economic disaster and you're not that far from it right now, what good thing came out of it anyways? can you tell me? cause I love to study this stuff.

and I'm not believing everything without proves, read the previous posts, I question everything but I don't believe instantly, also, to say that there is no evidence behind this stuff shows that you actually haven't seen the videos posted before, you are the one that dismiss everything just because is a "conspiracy theory", which is far more ridiculous than believing it since you are being willingly naive knowing you could be being fucked... a quote from you

Conspiracy theories are stupid, the sources are poor and often made up.

yeah, I'm the one that doesn't question ¬¬
selling national savings to private owners a good thing? wasn't serbia a part of yugoslavia? and yeah, lets do history, yugoslavia was a country that went bankrupt, its currency was devaluated and in just one day almost the whole population of the country became poor, with no national savings to back up its economy yugoslavia became the sick man of europe and it was literally war zone without having a war... serbia simply did not learn from its previous mistakes, greece had money saved and thanks to that it was able to be bailed out, without national savings you will have to sell your souls to the banks to be bailed out in case of economic disaster and you're not that far from it right now, what good thing came out of it anyways? can you tell me? cause I love to study this stuff.

Since you clearly dont know everything about the story,as a matter of fact you just picked the random informations and made your own theory which isnt true i need to explain everything. You are mixing 2 things: Bank of national saving was made in order to give back old savings to the ppl that were robbed during Milosevic era. None of the banks wanted so many angry ppl wanting their money back so they decided to make a new one just for that purpose. When they finished with it, they sold it. They invested 5 millions of euros in the bank and sold it for 30 millions when the bank fulfilled its purpose. Its a pretty good deal. It has nothing to do with real current national savings, cause National Bank Of Serbia is in charge for it and that bank cant be sold. You dont know a lot about them so you mixed things up :p

and I'm not believing everything without proves, read the previous posts, I question everything but I don't believe instantly

Well, you just proved yourself wrong by mixing things up with savings :p So yeah, every time i read smth written by conspiracy theories I :lol: because well, they are stupid. They, skirt about the subject trying to find tidbits of interesting information to put together to entice people to believe them and often neglect to address the core subject. Just like you did.

I'm all about questioning the standards and stuff and I dont blindly believe in what the government/media tells me but im sick of people talking and making conspiracy theories out of nothing just to show off how omg independent and free from the system :)lol:'d again) they are for not trusting evil goverments and medias.They always remind on the great quote:

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
a national bank can be sold, actually, a national bank is national only if creates its own money, to do such thing you should have zero external debt, like venezuela, you do have external debt so you don't create your own money but loan it from an external central bank, as most countries do... if well you were right and I was wrong in the diferences between those banks (even tho it's a part of the bank itself), I'm no expert in serbian history besides yugoslavian history, which is amazing, selling out that bank was a dirty move no questions ask, a bank doesn't work with 5 million euros only, here in sweden companies have a million euros safe-deposit box and you think a bank works with 5m euros? that's a tiny fraction of a bank's resources, the fact that could have been sold at such high price (compared to 5m euros) might be because of the fact of the amount of loans it had at the point it was sold, since a bank makes money out of loans, when you sell a bank the rates change for the people that used to have loans and of course, the state won't ask for the money to people that can't pay, leaving them homeless and penniless, but a private bank can do such thing, colombia for example, where the banks owns the lands on the country side, so selling a bank for the people to private owners is beyond outrageous and the bank of serbia itself accepted the privatization in 2001 so come on, selling a bank of 5 million euros in 30 millions and believe it was a good deal for YOU, I laugh at that.

I don't think I'm free, I know I'm deep in this system as almost everyone in the world, not because of that I'll be a good sheep and believe everything at once, you admit the system is fucked but you don't care on doin' anything to change it, yet I have seen you many times bitching about your gov. taking away benefits and stuff... still the example I gave you before works somehow knowing the bank of serbia already started its full privatization by selling those people savings and that has nothing to do with proving "theories" since we are talking about history and economy, not conspiracy stuff so nah, to know there's something wrong and not pointing it out is moronic, and you haven't proof what are those fake proves yet so let's discuss it :D
stop being a bitch and grow some balls once and for all, if you see this as fear mongering when is actually true then fine, believe what you want, when hitler raised after being in jail, many people in england and even the USA said he was about to unleash war but nah, they were fear mongers according to most, then he started war by invading poland and even then no one believed he wanted to kill the jews, not even the jews, naaaah, that was just fear mongering, haha... if you see a sign in a house that says "beware of the dog" and the pic shows and angry pit bull, would you say is just fear mongering when there is actually a dog in there? you have the links there backing up all what he's saying, so fear mongering or not he has the facts and you don't, troll some more, at least I get to see more vids :)

Links to his own websites sir. Epic proof. Working with a lot of these devices, and having hacked them etc I can say with 100% confidence Alex is a loon here.
talking about this, fb kept asking me, literally, if I have been near stockholm in the last 24 hours, last week, last month and such things, then, talking with some people that use this iphones, they said that after some trips outside the city, on their fb accounts the question changed for them to the city they visited, and without even posting anything or making phone calls when they were there, yet fb asked and yes, it updated by defect their location every couple of hours o_O

That's because they're idiots and don't have the auto update location feature turned off for the Facebook app.